Biology and Evolution of Microorganisms

The Biology and Evolution of Microorganisms Group, whose head is Dr. Rafael Cantón and which is made up of nine other principal investigators as well as numerous pre- and post-doctoral researchers, technicians and other healthcare personnel, has participated in the last 5 years in 17 national and international research projects and in 15 contracts with pharmaceutical companies or companies dedicated to in vitro diagnostics. During this period of time this work has resulted in more than 190 publications in national and international journals with a high impact index and more than 11 doctoral theses. Likewise, more than 400 communications have been presented at numerous national and international congresses. And all this always seeking the highest excellence in the fields of population biology, antibiotic resistance, respiratory infection, microbiota, metagenomics and HIV.

Search for publications

Only original articles, editorials, guidelines.

  • Yebra G, Delgado R, Pulido F, Rubio R, Galán JC, Moreno S, Holguín Á.

    Different trends of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance in Madrid, Spain, among risk groups in the last decade.

    ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY . 159(5): 1079-1087. Number of citations: 14


  • Suárez-Varela MM, González-Candelas F, Astray J, Alonso J, Garin O, Castro A, Galán JC, Baricot M, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Martin V, Mayoral JM, Pumarola T, Quintana JM, Tamames S, Llopis-González A, Dominguez A.

    Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) infection in pregnant and nonpregnant women in Spain (2009-2010).

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES . 67(3): 163-171. Number of citations: 5


  • Morosini MI, García-Castillo M, Tato M, Gijón D, Valverde A, Ruiz-Garbajosa P, Cantón R.

    Rapid Detection of beta-Lactamase-Hydrolyzing Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporins in Enterobacteriaceae by Use of the New Chromogenic beta Lacta Test

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY . 52(5): 1741-1744. Number of citations: 20


  • Martínez-García MÁ, de Gracia J, Vendrell Relat M, Girón RM, Máiz Carro L, de la Rosa Carrillo D, Olveira C.

    Multidimensional approach to non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: the FACED score

    EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL . 43(5): 1357-1367. Number of citations: 260


  • Martínez JL, Baquero F.

    Emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance: setting a parameter space.

    UPSALA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES . 119(2): 68-77. Number of citations: 74


  • Fortún J, Martín-Dávila P, Gómez-Mampaso E, González-García A, Barbolla I, Gómez-García I, Wikman P, Ortíz J, Navas E, Cuartero C, Gijón D, Moreno S.

    Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis: differential aspects and role of 16S-rRNA in urine

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE . 18(4): 478-485. Number of citations: 14


  • Garcia Gutierrez S, Quintana JM, Baricot M, Bilbao A, Capelastegui A, Cilla Eguiluz CG, Domínguez A, Castilla J, Godoy P, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Soldevila N, Astray J, Mayoral JM, Martín V, González-Candelas F, Galán JC, Tamames S, Castro-Acosta AA, Garín O, Pumarola T.

    Predictive factors of severe multilobar pneumonia and shock in patients with influenza.

    EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL . 31(4): 301-307. Number of citations: 3


  • Silveira E, Freitas AR, Antunes P, Barros M, Campos J, Coque TM, Peixe L, Novais C.

    Co-transfer of resistance to high concentrations of copper and first-line antibiotics among Enterococcus from different origins (humans, animals, the environment and foods) and clonal lineages

    JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY . 69(4): 899-906. Number of citations: 52


  • Rodríguez-Domínguez M, Puerta T, Menéndez B, González-Alba JM, Rodríguez C, Hellín T, Vera M, González-Sainz FJ, Clavo P, Villa M, Cantón R, Del Romero J, Galán JC.

    Clinical and epidemiological characterization of a lymphogranuloma venereum outbreak in Madrid, Spain: co-circulation of two variants

    CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION . 20(3): 219-225. Number of citations: 39


  • Tato M, López Y, Morosini MI, Moreno-Bofarull A, Garcia-Alonso F, Gargallo-Viola D, Vila J, Cantón R.

    Characterization of variables that may influence ozenoxacin in susceptibility testing, including MIC and MBC values

    DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE . 78(3): 263-267. Number of citations: 22


  • de Mulder M, York VA, Wiznia AA, Michaud HA, Nixon DF, Holguin A, Rosenberg MG.

    HIV-1 drug resistance prevalence, drug susceptibility and variant characterization in the Jacobi Medical Center paediatric cohort, Bronx, NY, USA.

    HIV MEDICINE . 15(3): 135-143. Number of citations: 9


  • Torrecilla E, Llácer Delicado T, Holguín Á.

    New findings in cleavage sites variability across groups, subtypes and recombinants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.

    Plos One . 9(2): . Number of citations: 9


  • del Campo R, Sánchez-Díaz AM, Zamora J, Torres C, Cintas LM, Franco E, Cantón R, Baquero F.

    Individual variability in finger-to-finger transmission efficiency of Enterococcus faecium clones.

    MicrobiologyOpen . 3(1): 128-132. Number of citations: 8


  • Sanz-Canalejas L, Gómez-Mampaso E, Cantón-Moreno R, Varona-Crespo C, Fortún J, Dronda F.

    Peliosis hepatis due to disseminated tuberculosis in a patient with AIDS

    Infection . 42(1): 185-189. Number of citations: 11


  • Quiñones D, Valverde A, Rodríguez-Baños M, Kobayashi N, Zayaz A, Abreu M, Cantón R, del Campo R.

    High Clonal Diversity in a Non-Outbreak Situation of Clinical ESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in the First National Surveillance Program in Cuba

    MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE . 20(1): 45-51. Number of citations: 11


  • Sánchez-Díaz AM, Cuartero C, Lozano S, Rodríguez JD, Alonso JM, Quiles-Melero I, López J, Cantón R, Ruiz-Garbajosa P.

    Emergence and Long-Lasting Persistence of Linezolid-Resistant Enterococcus faecium-ST117 in an Oncohematologic Patient After a Nine-Day Course of Linezolid

    MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE . 20(1): 17-21. Number of citations: 11


  • Morrissey I, Oggioni MR, Knight D, Curiao T, Coque T, Kalkanci A, Martinez JL.

    Evaluation of Epidemiological Cut-Off Values Indicates that Biocide Resistant Subpopulations Are Uncommon in Natural Isolates of Clinically-Relevant Microorganisms

    Plos One . 9(1): . Number of citations: 102


  • Guerrero-Olmos K, Báez J, Valenzuela N, Gahona J, Del Campo R, Silva J.

    Molecular characterization and antibiotic resistance of Enterococcus species from gut microbiota of Chilean Altiplano camelids.

    Infection ecology & epidemiology . 4: .
