Neurodegenerative diseases: therapy development
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de Lago E, Gómez-Ruiz M, Moreno-Martet M, Fernández-Ruiz J.
Cannabinoids, multiple sclerosis and neuroprotection.
Palazuelos J, Aguado T, Pazos MR, Julien B, Carrasco C, Resel E, Sagredo O, Benito C, Romero J, Azcoitia I, Fernández-Ruiz J, Guzmán M, Galve-Roperh I.
Microglial CB2 cannabinoid receptors are neuroprotective in Huntington's disease excitotoxicity
Brain . 132(11): 3152-3164. Number of citations: 260
Sagredo O, González S, Aroyo I, Pazos MR, Benito C, Lastres-Becker I, Romero JP, Tolón RM, Mechoulam R, Brouillet E, Romero J, Fernández-Ruiz J.
Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor Agonists Protect the Striatum Against Malonate Toxicity: Relevance for Huntington's Disease
Glia . 57(11): 1154-1167. Number of citations: 124
Tolón RM, Núñez E, Pazos MR, Benito C, Castillo AI, Martínez-Orgado JA, Romero J.
The activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptors stimulates in situ and in vitro beta-amyloid removal by human macrophages
BRAIN RESEARCH . 1283: 148-154. Number of citations: 94
Pazos MR, Sagredo O, Fernández-Ruiz J.
The endocannabinoid system in Huntington's disease
CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN . 14(23): 2317-2325. Number of citations: 57
Pazos MR, Tolón RM, Benito C, Rodríguez CF, Gorgojo JJ, Nevado M, Alvarez M, Arias F, Almodóvar F, Fernández MT, Lledó JL, González S, Fernández-Ruiz JJ, Romero J.
Cannabinoid CB1 receptors are expressed by parietal cells of the human gastric mucosa
JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY . 56(5): 511-516. Number of citations: 19
Fernández-Ruiz J, Pazos MR, García-Arencibia M, Sagredo O, Ramos JA.
Role of CB2 receptors in neuroprotective effects of cannabinoids
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY . 286(1-2, 1): 91-96. Number of citations: 89
Sagredo O, García-Arencibia M, de Lago E, Finetti S, Decio A, Fernández-Ruiz J.
Cannabinoids and neuroprotection in basal ganglia disorders
MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY . 36(1): 82-91. Number of citations: 71
García-Arencibia M, González S, de Lago E, Ramos JA, Mechoulam R, Fernández-Ruiz J.
Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of cannabinoids in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: Importance of antioxidant and cannabinoid receptor-independent properties
BRAIN RESEARCH . 1134(1): 162-170. Number of citations: 206
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new (E)- and (Z)-3-aryl-4-styryl-1H-pyrazoles as potential cannabinoid ligands
Arkivoc . 2010: 226-247.