Biomarkers and Personalized Approach to Cancer Group (BioPAC)

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  • Hohwieler M, Illing A, Hermann PC, Mayer T, Stockmann M, Perkhofer L, Eiseler T, Antony JS, Müller M, Renz S, Kuo CC, Lin Q, Sendler M, Breunig M, Kleiderman SM, Lechel A, Zenker M, Leichsenring M, Rosendahl J, Zenke M, Sainz B, Mayerle J, Costa IG, Seufferlein T, Kormann M, Wagner M, Liebau S, Kleger A.

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived acinar/ductal organoids generate human pancreas upon orthotopic transplantation and allow disease modelling.

    Gut . : .


  • Martinelli P, Carrillo-de Santa Pau E, Cox T, Sainz B, Dusetti N, Greenhalf W, Rinaldi L, Costello E, Ghaneh P, Malats N, Büchler M, Pajic M, Biankin AV, Iovanna J, Neoptolemos J, Real FX.

    GATA6 regulates EMT and tumour dissemination, and is a marker of response to adjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer.

    Gut . : .


  • Rivas AS, Álvarez YE, Cordellat AB, Tarruella MM, Mata KM, de la Cámara MM, Del Mar Muñoz Sánchez M, Poves MZ, Zambrano CB, Gutierrez LC.

    SEOM clinical guidelines for cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome (2023).

