Multiple Sclerosis
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Lunemann JD, Hegen H, Villar LM, Rejdak K, Sao-Aviles A, Carbonell-Mirabent P, Sastre-Garriga J, Mongay-Ochoa N, Berek K, Martínez-Yélamos S, Pérez-Miralles F, Abdelhak A, Bachhuber F, Tumani H, Lycke JN, Rosenstein I, Alvarez-Lafuente R, Castillo-Trivino T, Otaegui D, Llufriu S, Blanco Y, Sánchez López AJ, Garcia Merino JA, Fissolo N, Gutierrez L, Villacieros-Álvarez J, Monreal E, Valls-Carbó A, Wiendl H, Montalban X, Comabella M.
Association of Complement Factors With Disability Progression in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
Fernández O, Montalbán X, Agüera E, Aladro Y, Alonso A, Arroyo R, Brieva L, Calles C, Costa-Frossard L, Eichau S, García-Domínguez JM, Hernández MA, Landete L, Llaneza M, Llufriu S, Meca-Lallana JE, Meca-Lallana V, Moral E, Prieto JM, Ramió-Torrentà L, Téllez N, Romero-Pinel L, Vilaseca A, Rodríguez-Antigüedad A.
XVI Reunión Post-ECTRIMS: revisión de las novedades presentadas en el Congreso ECTRIMS 2023 (I).
Calabrese M, Preziosa P, Scalfari A, Colato E, Marastoni D, Absinta M, Battaglini M, De Stefano N, Di Filippo M, Hametner S, Howell OW, Inglese M, Lassmann H, Martin R, Nicholas R, Reynolds R, Rocca MA, Tamanti A, Vercellino M, Villar LM, Filippi M, Magliozzi R.
Determinants and Biomarkers of Progression Independent of Relapses in Multiple Sclerosis.
ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 96(1): 1-20. Number of citations: 3
Dominguez-Mozo MI, Galán V, Ramió-Torrentà L, Quiroga A, Quintana E, Villar LM, Costa-Frossard L, Fernández-Velasco JI, Villarrubia N, Garcia-Martinez MA, Arroyo R, Alvarez-Lafuente R.
A two-years real-word study with fingolimod: early predictors of efficacy and an association between EBNA-1 IgG titers and multiple sclerosis progression.
Frontiers in immunology . 15: 1384411-1384411.
Chico-Garcia JL, Sainz-Amo R, Monreal E, Rodriguez-Jorge F, Sainz de la Maza S, Masjuan J, Villar LM, Costa-Frossard França L.
Passive assessment of tapping speed through smartphone is useful for monitoring multiple sclerosis.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND RELATED DISORDERS . 86: 105595-105595. Number of citations: 1
Núñez-Torrón Stock C, Jiménez Chillón C, Martín Moro F, Marquet Palomanes J, Piris Villaespesa M, Roldán Santiago E, Rodríguez Martín E, Chinea Rodríguez A, García Gutiérrez V, Moreno Jiménez G, López Jiménez J, Herrera Puente P.
Survival after allogeneic transplantation according to pretransplant minimal residual disease and conditioning intensity in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Frontiers in Oncology . 14: 1394648-1394648.
Pérez-Torre P, López-Sendón JL, Mañanes Barral V, Parees I, Fanjul-Arbós S, Monreal E, Alonso-Canovas A, Martínez Castrillo JC.
Concomitant treatment with safinamide and antidepressant drugs: Safety data from real clinical practice.
Neurologia . 39(4): 340-344.
Pérez-Torre P, López-Sendón JL, Mañanes Barral V, Parees I, Fanjul-Arbós S, Monreal E, Alonso-Canovas A, Martínez Castrillo JC.
Concomitant treatment with safinamide and antidepressant drugs: Safety data from real clinical practice.
NEUROLOGIA . 39(4): 340-344. Number of citations: 4
Monreal E, Ruiz PD, San Román IL, Rodríguez-Antigüedad A, Moya-Molina MÁ, Álvarez A, García-Arcelay E, Maurino J, Shepherd J, Cabrera ÁP, Villar LM.
Value contribution of blood-based neurofilament light chain as a biomarker in multiple sclerosis using multi-criteria decision analysis.
Frontiers in Public Health . 12: 1397845-1397845.
Fernández Fernández Ó, Costa-Frossard L, Martínez Ginés ML, Montero Escribano P, Prieto González JM, Ramió-Torrentà L, Aladro Y, Alonso Torres A, Álvarez Rodríguez E, Labiano-Fontcuberta A, Landete Pascual L, Miralles Martínez A, Moral Torres E, Oliva-Nacarino P.
Practical tool to identify Spasticity-Plus Syndrome amongst patients with multiple sclerosis. Algorithm development based on a conjoint analysis.
Frontiers in Neurology . 15: 1371644-1371644.
Cencioni MT, Magliozzi R, Palmisano I, Suwan K, Mensi A, Fuentes-Font L, Villar LM, Fernández-Velasco JI, Migallón NV, Costa-Frossard L, Monreal E, Ali R, Romozzi M, Mazarakis N, Reynolds R, Nicholas R, Muraro PA.
Soluble CD27 is an intrathecal biomarker of T-cell-mediated lesion activity in multiple sclerosis.
García-Hoz C, Crespo L, Pariente R, De Andrés A, Rodríguez-Ramos R, Roy G.
Intraepithelial Lymphogram in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease in Adult Patients: A Validation Cohort.
Nutrients . 16(8): . Number of citations: 1
Fernández-Lozano C, Rita CG, Barra-Castro A, De La Hoz Caballer B, Roldán E, Pueyo López C, Martinez-Botas J, Berges-Gimeno MP.
Specific IgE and Basophil Activation Test by Microarray: A Promising Tool for Diagnosis of Platinum Compound Hypersensitivity Reactions.
Costa-Frossard França L, Meca Lallana V, Labiano-Fontcuberta A, Blasco R, Monreal E, Martínez Ginés ML, Aguirre C, Sabin Muñoz J, Sainz de la Maza S, Cuello JP, Díaz-Pérez C, Chico García JL, Lozano Ros A, Rodríguez Jorge F, Martínez Martínez S, García Domínguez JM.
Real-World Retrospective Analysis of Alemtuzumab Outcomes in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: The LEMCAM Study.
Cns Drugs . 38(3): 231-238.
Cuello JP, Meldaña Rivera A, Monreal E, Gómez Lozano A, García Cano AM, García Domínguez JM, Fernández Velasco JI, Costa-Frossard França L, Goicochea H, Higueras Y, De León-Luis JA, Sainz de la Maza S, Villarrubia N, Arribas Gómez I, Ruiz Perez I, Martinez Ginés ML, Villar LM.
Emerging biomarkers for improving pregnancy planning in multiple sclerosis.
Frontiers in Neurology . 15: 1292296-1292296.
Mateos-Nozal J, Rodríguez-Domínguez M, San Román J, Candel FJ, Villarrubia N, Pérez-Panizo N, Segura E, Cuñarro JM, Ramírez-Arellano MVM, Rodríguez-Ramos R, Pariente-Rodríguez R, Villar LM, Ramos P, Cantón R, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Galán JC.
Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Fully Vaccinated Nursing Home Residents and Workers.
VIRUSES-BASEL . 16(2): .
Gajate L, de la Hoz I, Espiño M, Martin Gonzalez MDC, Fernandez Martin C, Martín-Grande A, Parise Roux D, Pastor O, Villahoz J, Rodriguez-Gandía MÁ, Nuño Vazquez J.
Intravenous Ascorbic Acid for the Prevention of Postreperfusion Syndrome in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Jmir Research Protocols . 12: 50091-50091.
Fissolo N, Benkert P, Sastre-Garriga J, Mongay-Ochoa N, Vilaseca-Jolonch A, Llufriu S, Blanco Y, Hegen H, Berek K, Perez-Miralles F, Rejdak K, Villar LM, Monreal E, Alvarez-Lafuente R, Soylu OK, Abdelhak A, Bachhuber F, Tumani H, Martínez-Yélamos S, Sánchez-López AJ, García-Merino A, Gutiérrez L, Castillo-Trivino T, Lycke J, Rosenstein I, Furlan R, Filippi M, Téllez N, Ramió-Torrentà L, Lünemann JD, Wiendl H, Eichau S, Khalil M, Kuhle J, Montalban X, Comabella M.
Serum biomarker levels predict disability progression in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis