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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.
Fonollosa A, Pelegrín L, García-Morillo S, Buján-Rivas S, Distefano L, Robles-Maruenda A, Fernández-Martín J, González-García A, Garcia-Aparicio Á, Ortego-Centeno N, Llorenç V, Sainz de la Maza M, Pinedo C, Sopeña B, Cocho L, Carreño E, Blanco R, Antón J, Pérez-Quintana M, Marques-Soares JR, Artaraz J, Ruiz-Arruza I, Soto-Peleteiro A, Gómez-Caverzaschi V, Araújo O, Espinosa G, Adan A, Fabiani C, Cantarini L, Hernández-Rodríguez J.
Ocular involvement in adult and paediatric patients with monogenic autoinflammatory diseases: a Spanish multicentre retrospective study.
Trullàs JC, Morales-Rull JL, Casado J, Carrera-Izquierdo M, Sánchez-Marteles M, Conde-Martel A, Dávila-Ramos MF, Llácer P, Salamanca-Bautista P, Chivite D, Jordana-Comajuncosa R, Villalonga M, Páez-Rubio MI, Manzano L, Formiga F.
Combining loop and thiazide diuretics for acute heart failure across the estimated glomerular filtration rate spectrum: A post-hoc analysis of the CLOROTIC trial
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE . 25(10): 1784-1793. Nº de citas: 3
Mascaro JM, Rodriguez-Pinto I, Poza G, Mensa-Vilaro A, Fernandez-Martin J, Caminal-Montero L, Espinosa G, Hernández-Rodríguez J, Diaz M, Rita-Marques J, Sanmarti R, Castañeda S, Colunga D, Coto-Hernández R, Fanlo P, Elejalde JI, Bujan S, Figueras I, Marco FM, Andrés M, Suárez S, Gonzalez-Garcia A, Fustà-Novell X, Garcia-Belando C, Granados A, Fernandez-Figueras MT, Quilis N, Orriols-Caba M, Gómez de la Torre R, Cid MC, Espígol-Frigolé G, Alvarez-Abella A, Labrador E, Rozman M, Lopez-Guerra M, Castillo P, Alamo-Moreno JR, Gonzalez-Roca E, Plaza S, Fabregat V, Lara R, Vicente-Rabaneda EF, Tejedor-Vaquero S, Magri G, Bonet N, Solis-Moruno M, Cerutti A, Fornas O, Casals F, Yagüe J, Aróstegui JI.
Spanish cohort of VEXAS syndrome: clinical manifestations, outcome of treatments and novel evidences about UBA1 mosaicism.
Rodríguez Muñoz D, Crespo-Leiro MG, Fernández Lozano I, Zamorano Gómez JL, Peinado Peinado R, Manzano Espinosa L, de Juan Bagudá J, Marco Del Castillo Á, Arribas Ynsaurriaga F, Salguero Bodes R.
Conduction system pacing and atrioventricular node ablation in heart failure: The PACE-FIB study design.
ESC heart failure . : .
López-Rodríguez M, Torralba-Cabeza MA, de Pedro IP, Rivera A, Gil RS, Gómez-Belda A, de la Peña JLP, de Los Santos Moreno A, Selva-O'Callaghan A, Gárate IG, García AG, Hurtado R, de Ureta PT, Barba-Romero MÁ, Milisenda JC, Grau-Junyent JM.
Screening for late-onset Pompe disease in Internal Medicine departments in Spain.
de la Espriella R, Núñez-Marín G, Cobo M, de Castro Campos D, Llácer P, Manzano L, Zegrí I, Rodriguez-Pérez Á, Santas E, Lorenzo M, Miñana G, Núñez E, Górriz JL, Bayés-Genís A, Fudim M, Mullens W, Núñez J.
Intrarenal Venous Flow Pattern Changes Do Relate With Renal Function Alterations in Acute HeartFailure.
JACC-HEART FAILURE . 12(2): 304-318. Nº de citas: 2
Llàcer P, Croset F, Núñez J, Campos J, Fernández C, Fabregate M, Del Hoyo B, Ruiz R, López G, Tello S, Lorenzo A, Fernández JM, Manzano L.
Prognostic significance of plasma chloride in elderly patients hospitalized for acute heart failure.
ESC heart failure . 10(4): 2637-2647.
Santiago-Vacas E, Anguita M, Casado J, García-Prieto CF, González-Costello J, Matalí A, González-Franco Á, Trueba-Sáiz Á, Manzano L.
Current heart failure disease management and treatment in accredited units from Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Spain.
Revista clinica espanola . 223(7): 405-413.
Fernández-Rodríguez JM, Casado J, Formiga F, González-Franco A, Arévalo JC, Beltrán M, Cerqueiro González JM, Llàcer P, Manzano L, Morales-Rull JL, Pérez Silvestre J, Conde-Martel A.
Executive summary of the 2023 update on the consensus regarding basic conduct during hospital admission for patients with acute heart failure.
Revista clinica espanola . 223(8): 499-509. Nº de citas: 2
Montes-Moreno S, Climent F, Fraga M, Luis Patier J, Robles-Marhuenda Á, García-Sanz R, Ocio EM, González García A, Navarro JT.
Expert consensus on the integrated diagnosis of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease.
Revista Espanola De Patologia : Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Anatomia Patologica Y De La Sociedad Espanola De Citologia . 56(3): 158-167.
Salamanca-Bautista P, Romero-Correa M, Formiga F, Antequera-Martín-Portugués I, Llàcer P, Marrero-Medina IG, Calderón-Jiménez P, Moreno-Palanco MÁ, Armengou-Arxe A, Gonzalo-Pascua S, Piñeiro-Parga P, Aramburu-Bodas Ó.
Safety of benzodiazepines in patients with acute heart failure: A propensity score-matching study
Montero-Pérez-Barquero M, Escobar-Cervantes C, Arévalo-Lorido JC, Conde-Martel A, Salamanca-Bautista P, Manzano-Espinosa L, Formiga F, Díez-Manglano J, Cepeda JM, González-Franco A, Casado-Cerrada J.
Projected effectiveness of dapagliflozin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in clinical practice.
Future cardiology . 19(6): 343-351.
Santas E, Llácer P, Palau P, De La Espriella R, Miñana G, Lorenzo M, Marín GN, Miró Ò, Chorro FJ, Genís AB, Sanchis J, Núñez J.
Noncardiovascular morbidity and mortality across left ventricular ejection fraction categories following hospitalization for heart failure.
Revista espanola de cardiologia (English ed.) . 77(3): 206-214. Nº de citas: 1
Llàcer P, Núñez J, Croset F, García M, Fabregate M, Ruiz R, López G, Fernández C, Del Hoyo B, Campos J, Gomis A, Manzano L.
Usefulness of urinary potassium to creatinine ratio to predict diuretic response in patients with acute heart failure and preserved ejection fraction.
Montero-Pérez-Barquero M, Escobar-Cervantes C, Llàcer P, Quirós-López R, Trullás JC, Cerqueiro JM, Epelde-Gonzálo F, Carrera-Izquierdo M, Formiga F, González-Franco A, Casado-Cerrada J.
Projected clinical benefits of dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Future cardiology . 19(6): 333-342. Nº de citas: 1
Cobo Marcos M, de la Espriella R, Gayán Ordás J, Zegrí I, Pomares A, Llácer P, Fort A, Rodríguez Chavarri A, Méndez A, Blázquez Z, Caravaca Pérez P, Rubio Gracia J, Recio-Mayoral A, García Pinilla JM, Soler MJ, Garrido González R, Górriz JL, González Rico M, Castro A, Núñez J.
Sex differences in Cardiorenal Syndrome: Insights from CARDIOREN Registry
Current Heart Failure Reports . 20(3): 157-167.
Suárez Carantoña C, Escobar Cervantes C, Fabregate M, López Rodríguez M, Bara Ledesma N, Soto Pérez-Olivares J, Ruiz Ortega RA, López Castellanos G, Olavarría Delgado A, Blázquez Sánchez J, Gómez Del Olmo V, Moralejo Martín M, Pumares Álvarez MB, Sánchez Gallego MC, Llàcer P, Liaño F, Manzano L.
Oral Sodium Chloride in the Prevention of Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury in Elderly Outpatients: The PNIC-Na Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial.
Journal Of Clinical Medicine . 12(8): .
Fanlo P, Gracia-Tello BDC, Fonseca Aizpuru E, Álvarez-Troncoso J, Gonzalez A, Prieto-González S, Freire M, Argibay AB, Pallarés L, Todolí JA, Pérez M, Buján-Rivas S, Ibáñez B.
Efficacy and Safety of Anakinra Plus Standard of Care for Patients With Severe COVID-19: A Randomized Phase 2/3 Clinical Trial
Jama Network Open . 6(4): . Nº de citas: 5