Enfermedades Multisistémicas

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Ruiz Hueso R, Salamanca Bautista P, Quesada Simón MA, Yun S, Conde Martel A, Morales Rull JL, Fiteni Mera I, Abad Pérez D, Páez Rubio I, Aramburu Bodas Ó.

    Cardiac amyloidosis worsens prognosis in patients with heart failure: findings from the PREVAMIC study.

    Revista clinica espanola . 224(8): 494-502.


  • Trullàs JC, Moreno-García MC, Mittelbrunn-Alquézar V, Conde-Martel A, Soler-Rangel L, Montero-Pérez-Barquero M, Casado J, Sánchez-Marteles M, Arévalo-Lorido JC, Pérez-Silvestre J.

    The RICA-2 registry: design and baseline characteristics of the first 1,000 patients.

    Revista clinica espanola . 224(8): 522-533.


  • Menacho-Roman, Miriam, Fabregate-Fuente, Martin, Caja-Guayerbas, Laura, Jimenez-Sanchez, Sergio, Soto, Javier, Arribas-Gomez, Ignacio.

    Development and validation of a prediction model for estimating 24-Hour Urinary Sodium Excretion using spot urine samples in adult patients.

    Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation . : .


  • Santas E, Villar S, Palau P, Llàcer P, de la Espriella R, Miñana G, Lorenzo M, Núñez-Marín G, Górriz JL, Carratalá A, Rodríguez E, Bayes-Genís A, Sanchis J, Núñez J.

    High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and risk of clinical outcomes in patients with acute heart failure.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 14(1): 21672-21672.


  • Suárez-Carantoña C, Corbacho-Loarte MD, Del Campo Albendea L, Kamel-Rey S, Halperin AV, Escudero-Sánchez R, Ponce-Alonso M, Moreno S, Cobo J.

    Is advanced age still a risk factor for recurrence of C. difficile infection in the era of new treatments?

    AGE AND AGEING . 53(8): .


  • Guffon N, Burton BK, Ficicioglu C, Magner M, Gil-Campos M, Lopez-Rodriguez MA, Jayakar P, Lund AM, Tal G, Garcia-Ortiz JE, Stepien KM, Ellaway C, Al-Hertani W, Giugliani R, Cathey SS, Hennermann JB, Lampe C, McNutt M, Lagler FB, Scarpa M, Sutton VR, Muschol N.

    Monitoring and integrated care coordination of patients with alpha-mannosidosis: A global Delphi consensus study.

    MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM . 142(4): 108519-108519.


  • Kamel S, Corbacho-Loarte MD, Escudero-Sánchez R, Halperin A, Llorente S, Quevedo SM, Suárez-Carantoña C, Del Campo L, Hernández MS, Guillen SM, Cobo J.

    Impact of an Intervention Program on Clostridioides difficile Infections: Comparison of 2 Hospital Cohorts.

    Open forum infectious diseases . 11(7): .


  • Llàcer P, Romero G, Trullàs JC, de la Espriella R, Cobo M, Quiroga B, Casado J, Slon-Roblero MF, Morales-Rull JL, Morgado JI, Ortiz A, Formiga F, Melendo-Viu M, de Sequera P, Recio A, Díez J, Manzano L, Núñez J.

    Consensus on the approach to hydrosaline overload in acute heart failure. SEMI/SEC/S.E.N. recommendations.

    Revista espanola de cardiologia (English ed.) . 77(7): 556-565.


  • López-Valverde L, Vázquez-Mosquera ME, Colón-Mejeras C, Bravo SB, Barbosa-Gouveia S, Álvarez JV, Sánchez-Martínez R, López-Mendoza M, López-Rodríguez M, Villacorta-Argüelles E, Goicoechea-Diezhandino MA, Guerrero-Márquez FJ, Ortolano S, Leao-Teles E, Hermida-Ameijeiras Á, Couce ML.

    Characterization of the plasma proteomic profile of Fabry disease: Potential sex- and clinical phenotype-specific biomarkers.



  • Sánchez-Marteles M, Garcés-Horna V, Morales-Rull JL, Casado J, Carrera-Izquierdo M, Conde-Martel A, Dávila-Ramos MF, Llácer P, Salamanca-Bautista P, Ruiz R, Aramburu-Bodas O, Formiga F, Manzano L, Trullàs JC.

    Combining Loop and Thiazide Diuretics Across the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Spectrum: The CLOROTIC Trial.



  • González-García A, Fabregate M, Serralta G, de Miguel Campo B, Noblejas-Mozo A, Robles-Marhuenda Á.

    The utility of (18)F-FDG-PET/CT in detecting extracranial large vessel vasculitis in rheumatic polymyalgia or giant cell arteritis. A systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Revista clinica espanola . : .


  • Bara-Ledesma N, Jimenez-Esteban J, Fabregate M, Fabregate-Fuente R, Cymberknop LJ, Castillo-Martinez P, Navarro-Fayos MT, Gomez Del Olmo V, Saban-Ruiz J.

    Effect of Encapsulated Purple Garlic Oil on Microvascular Function and the Components of Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study-The ENDOTALLIUM Study.

    Nutrients . 16(11): .


  • Vallejo-Cendrero, Daniel, Molina-Maza, Juan Manuel, Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Blanca, Viar-Hernandez, David, Rodriguez-Vila, Borja, Soto-Perez-Olivares, Javier, Moujir-Lopez, Jaime, Suevos-Ballesteros, Carlos, Blazquez-Sanchez, Javier, Acosta-Batlle, Jose, Torrado-Carvajal, Angel.

    CycleGAN-Driven MR-Based Pseudo-CT Synthesis for Knee Imaging Studies



  • Llàcer P, Cobo Marcos M, de la Espriella R, Gayán Ordás J, Zegri I, Fort A, Rodríguez Chavarri A, Méndez A, Blázquez Z, Caravaca Pérez P, Rubio Gracia J, Fernández C, Recio-Mayoral A, Pomares A, García Pinilla JM, Vazquez López-Ibor J, Castro A, Soler MJ, Górriz JL, Bascompte Claret R, Fluvià P, Manzano L, Núñez J.

    Congestion as a crucial factor determining albuminuria in patients with cardiorenal disease.

    Clinical kidney journal . 17(6): .


  • Pascual-Figal D, Núñez Villota J, Pérez-Martínez MT, González-Juanatey JR, Taibo-Urquía M, Llàcer Iborra P, González-Martín J, Villar S, Soler M, Mirabet S, Aimo A, Riquelme-Pérez A, Anguita Sánchez M, Martínez-Sellés M, Sánchez PL, Ibáñez B, Bayés-Genís A.

    Colchicine in acute heart failure: Rationale and design of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial (COLICA).



  • Ferreiro-Iglesias R, Porto Silva S, Marín S, Casanova MJ, Mañosa M, González-Muñoza C, de Francisco R, Caballol B, Arias L, Piqueras M, Zabana Y, Rivero M, Calvet X, Mesonero F, Varela Trastoy P, Busta Nistal R, Gómez Perosanz R, Vega P, Gonzalez-Vivo M, Iborra M, Bermejo F, Madero L, Rodríguez-Lago I, Rodríguez Gonzalez M, Vera I, Ponferrada Díaz Á, Vela M, Torrealba Medina L, Van Domselaar M, Gomollón F, Iglesias E, Gisbert JP, Calafat M, Giordano A, Pérez-Martínez I, Ricart E, Sicilia B, Mena R, Esteve M, Rivas C, Brunet-Mas E, Fernández C, de Jorge Turrión MÁ, Velayos Jiménez B, Quiñones Calvo M, Regueiro Expósito C, Márquez-Mosquera L, Nos P, Granja A, Gutiérrez A, Cabriada JL, Hervías Cruz D, Calvo M, Pérez Pérez J, Rodríguez Díaz Y, Busquets Casal D, Menacho M, Leal C, Lucendo AJ, Royo V, Olivares S, Álvarez Herrero B, Carrillo-Palau M, Gilabert Álvarez P, Manceñido Marcos N, Martínez-Pérez TJ, Muñoz Villafranca MC, Almela P, Argüelles-Arias F, Legido J, Fuentes Coronel AM, Nieto L, Domènech E, Barreiro-de Acosta M.

    Need for therapeutic escalation in patients with refractory ulcerative proctitis: Results from the PROCU study of the ENEIDA registry.



  • Croset F, Llàcer P, Núñez J, Campos J, García M, Pérez A, Fernández C, Fabregate M, López G, Tello S, Fernández JM, Ruiz R, Manzano L.

    Loop diuretic down-titration at discharge in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure.

    ESC heart failure . 11(3): 1739-1747. Nº de citas: 1


  • Cobo Marcos M, Comín-Colet J, de la Espriella R, Rubio Gracia J, Morales-Rull JL, Zegrí I, Llacer P, Diez-Villanueva P, Jiménez-Marrero S, de Juan Bagudá J, Ortiz Cortés C, Goirigolzarri-Artaza J, García-Pinilla JM, Barrios E, Del Prado Díaz S, Montero Hernández E, Sanchez-Marteles M, Nuñez J.

    Design and baseline characteristics of SALT-HF trial: hypertonic saline therapy in ambulatory heart failure.

    ESC heart failure . 11(3): 1767-1776. Nº de citas: 1
