Health Outcomes Research

Group leader
Jesús María Aranaz Andrés
Tlf.: +3491 336 83 72
Collaborating Staff
- Cristina Díaz-Agero Pérez
- Miguel Ignacio Cuchi Alfaro
- Jorge de Vicente Guijarro
- Paloma Moreno Núñez
- Mercedes García Haro
- Abelardo Claudio Fernández Chávez
- Cornelia Bischofberger Valdés
- Carmen Garrote Liarte
- Gerardo Gómez Montero
- Gema Nieto Gomez
- Sara de la Hoz San Clemente
- Diana Carretero Gomez
- Diego San José Saras
- Manuela Serrano Pareja
- Marco Antonio Espinel Ruiz
- Raquel Gutierrez Gallardo
- Eva Elisa Álvarez León
- María del Carmen Martínez Ortega
- Paloma Navas Gutiérrez
- Nerea Armenteros Arzá
- Francisco Bolumar Montrull
- Raquel Arguedas Sanz
- Miriam Roncal Redin
- Tayeb Bennouna Dalero
- Consuelo Bautista Fernández
- Blanca Romero Panadero

Group leader
Jesús María Aranaz Andrés
Tlf.: +3491 336 83 72
Collaborating Staff
- Cristina Díaz-Agero Pérez
- Miguel Ignacio Cuchi Alfaro
- Jorge de Vicente Guijarro
- Paloma Moreno Núñez
- Mercedes García Haro
- Abelardo Claudio Fernández Chávez
- Cornelia Bischofberger Valdés
- Carmen Garrote Liarte
- Gerardo Gómez Montero
- Gema Nieto Gomez
- Sara de la Hoz San Clemente
- Diana Carretero Gomez
- Diego San José Saras
- Manuela Serrano Pareja
- Marco Antonio Espinel Ruiz
- Raquel Gutierrez Gallardo
- Eva Elisa Álvarez León
- María del Carmen Martínez Ortega
- Paloma Navas Gutiérrez
- Nerea Armenteros Arzá
- Francisco Bolumar Montrull
- Raquel Arguedas Sanz
- Miriam Roncal Redin
- Tayeb Bennouna Dalero
- Consuelo Bautista Fernández
- Blanca Romero Panadero
Strategic objectives
- Surveillance of health problems in order to assess the changes and trends in health and in its determining factors, especially those inherent to the hospital environment, through the application of epidemiology principles and methods.
- Intervention via activities inherent to individual preventative medicine and others of a generic or collective nature (preparation of regulations, guidelines, protocols, etc.) for the improvement of the effectiveness of the clinical practice, quality of care and patient safety.
- Health promotion and protection, aimed at improving the level of health and the control of its determining factors.
- Evaluation of the risks, in hospital and in the community, in order to improve their management.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and utility of the different actions carried out.
Research lines
- Health outcome research.
- Public health results research.
Preventive Medicine Department
- 3 floor left
Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
health outcome research, patient safety, adverse events, quality of care, patient satisfaction, use and evaluation of health centres and services, clinical epidemiology