Cirugía Endocrino-Metabólica, Digestiva y Nutrición
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Vaz Salgado MA, Earl J, Berrocal VR, Arrieta FS, Gomez A, Sepulveda-Sanchez JM, Perez-Nuñez Á, de la Fuente EC, Lourido D, Villamayor M, Pian H, Muriel A, Rossi E, Zamarchi R, Carrato A, Ley L.
Prognostic value of circulating endothelial cells in glioblastoma patients: a pilot study.
Future Science Oa . 8(5): .
Pereira F, Serrano A, Manzanedo I, Pérez-Viejo E, González-Moreno S, González-Bayón L, Arjona-Sánchez A, Torres J, Ramos I, Barrios ME, Cascales P, Morales R, Boldó E, García-Fadrique A, Arteaga X, Gutierrez-Calvo A, Sánchez-García S, Asensio E, Ramírez CP, Artiles M, Vaqué J, Parra PA, Villarejo P, Muñoz-Casares C, Turienzo E, Calero A, Torrejimeno IJ, Prieto I, Galindo J, Borrego V, Marcello ME, Rihuete C, Carrasco J, Gomez-Quiles L.
GECOP-MMC: phase IV randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) with mytomicin-C after complete surgical cytoreduction in patients with colon cancer peritoneal metastases.
Bmc Cancer . 22(1): 536-536. Nº de citas: 3
Villar J, Mora-Ordoñez JM, Soler JA, Mosteiro F, Vidal A, Ambrós A, Fernández L, Murcia I, Civantos B, Romera MA, Mira A, Díaz-Domínguez FJ, Parrilla D, Martínez-Carmona JF, Martínez D, Pita-García L, Robaglia D, Bueno-González A, Sánchez-Ballesteros J, Pereyra ÁE, Hernández M, Chamorro-Jambrina C, Cobeta P, González-Luengo RI, Montiel R, Nogales L, Fernández MM, Arocas B, Valverde-Montoro Á, Del Saz-Ortiz AM, Olea-Jiménez V, Añón JM, Rodríguez-Suárez P, Fernández RL, Fernández C, Szakmany T, González-Martín JM, Ferrando C, Kacmarek RM, Slutsky AS.
The PANDORA Study: Prevalence and Outcome of Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure in the Pre-COVID-19 Era.
Critical Care Explorations . 4(5): 684-684. Nº de citas: 5
Muñoz-Molina GM, Gorospe-Sarasúa L, Galindo-Álvarez J, Cabañero-Sánchez A.
Pulmonary vein pseudoaneurysm secondary to oesophageal stent displacement.
Salazar N, Ponce-Alonso M, Garriga M, Sánchez-Carrillo S, Hernández-Barranco AM, Redruello B, Fernández M, Botella-Carretero JI, Vega-Piñero B, Galeano J, Zamora J, Ferrer M, de Los Reyes-Gavilán CG, Del Campo R.
Fecal Metabolome and Bacterial Composition in Severe Obesity: Impact of Diet and Bariatric Surgery.
Gut Microbes . 14(1): 2106102-2106102. Nº de citas: 2
Carrón-Herrero A, Fernández-Lozano C, Botella-Carretero JI, Palomino-Quintanilla L, Martínez-Botas J, Solano-Solares E.
Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction to Iron Salts: From Diagnosis to Desensitization.
Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology . 32(6): 496-498. Nº de citas: 1
Blanco-Fernández G, Fondevila-Campo C, Sanjuanbenito A, Fabregat-Prous J, Secanella-Medayo L, Rotellar-Sastre F, Pardo-Sánchez F, Prieto-Calvo M, Marín-Ortega H, Sánchez-Cabús S, Diez-Valladares L, Alonso-Casado Ó, González-Serrano C, Rodríguez-Sanjuan JC, García-Plaza G, Jaén-Torrejimeno I, Suárez-Muñoz MÁ, Becerra-Massare A, Rio PS, Pando E, López-Andújar R, Muñoz-Forner E, Rodriguez-López M, Pereira F, Serrablo-Requejo A, Turrión VS, Garrido MJ, Burdío F, Martín-Pérez E, Estevan-Estevan R, López-Guerra D, Castell-Gómez J, Salinas-Gómez J, López-Baena JÁ, López-Ben S, Solar-García L, Pérez-Alonso AJ, Martínez-Insfran LA, Blas JL, Cornejo M, Gutierrez-Calvo A, Pozo CD, Ochando-Cerdan F, Muñoz-Bellvís L, Rebollar-Saenz J, Sánchez B, Jover JM, Gómez-Bravo MÁ, Ramia JM, Rojas-Holguín A.
Pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma. Postoperative outcome after surgical treatment in a Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID).
EJSO . 48(1): 133-141. Nº de citas: 3
Carrato A, Cerezo L, Feliu J, Macarulla T, Martín-Pérez E, Vera R, Álvarez J, Botella-Carretero JI.
Clinical nutrition as part of the treatment pathway of pancreatic cancer patients: an expert consensus
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 24(1): 112-126. Nº de citas: 3
Luque C, Mataix Á, Candela Á, Fernández N, Calleja JL, Pintor R, Botella Carretero JI, Arrieta Blanco F.
Efecto de la COVID-19 en la prescripción dietoterapéutica durante el primer semestre de 2020 en la Comunidad de Madrid.
NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA . 38(6): 1138-1143. Nº de citas: 1
Araujo-Castro M, García Centero R, López-García MC, Álvarez Escolá C, Calatayud Gutiérrez M, Blanco Carrera C, De Miguel Novoa P, Valdés Gallego N, Hanzu FA, Gracia Gimeno P, Fernández-Ladreda MT, Percovich Hualpa JC, Mora Porta M, Lorca Álvaro J, Pian H, Caracuel IR, Sanjuanbenito Dehesa A, Gómez Dos Santos V, Serrano Romero A, Oliveira CL.
Surgical outcomes in the pheochromocytoma surgery. Results from the PHEO-RISK STUDY
Endocrine . 74(3): 676-684. Nº de citas: 8
Arrieta F, Martinez-Vaello V, Bengoa N, Jiménez-Mendiguchia L, Rosillo M, de Pablo A, Voguel C, Martinez-Barros H, Pintor R, Belanger-Quintana A, Mateo R, Candela A, Botella-Carretero JI.
Serum zinc and copper in people with COVID-19 and zinc supplementation in parenteral nutrition
NUTRITION . 91-92: 111467-111467. Nº de citas: 4
Guadalajara H, Muñoz de Nova JL, Yiasemidou M, Recarte Rico M, Juez LD, García Septiem J, Galindo Jara P, García Virosta M, Lobo Martínez E, Martín-Pérez E, Fernandez Gonzalez S, Lopez-Fernandez O, García-Olmo D, PIACO Collaboration Group.
The SARS-CoV-2 first wave impact in the acute inflammatory surgical pathologies.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 19645-19645. Nº de citas: 5
Arrieta F, Martinez-Vaello V, Bengoa N, Rosillo M, de Pablo A, Voguel C, Pintor R, Belanger-Quintana A, Mateo-Lobo R, Candela A, Botella-Carretero JI.
Stress Hyperglycemia and Osteocalcin in COVID-19 Critically Ill Patients on Artificial Nutrition
Nutrients . 13(9): 3010. Nº de citas: 3
Puerta A, Cuadrado M, Vilar JA, Priego P.
Laparoscopic D2 lymphadenectomy with preservation of an aberrant left hepatic artery.
Cirugia Espanola . 99(7): 539-539.
Khaled I, Priego P, Soliman H, Faisal M, Saad Ahmed I.
Oncological outcomes of laparoscopic versus open gastrectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced gastric cancer: a retrospective multicenter study.
WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY . 19(1): 206-206. Nº de citas: 11
Juez, Luz Divina, Barranquero, Alberto G., Priego, Pablo, Cuadrado, Marta, Blazquez, Luis, Sanchez-Picot, Silvia, Fernandez-Cebrian, Jose Maria, Galindo, Julio.
Influence of positive margins on tumour recurrence and overall survival after gastrectomy for gastric cancer
ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY . 91(7-8): 465-473. Nº de citas: 1
San Miguel-Mendez, Carlos, Lopez-Monclus, Javier, Munoz-Rodriguez, Joaquin, de Lersundi ÁRV, Artes-Caselles, Mariano, Blazquez Hernando, Luis Alberto, Garcia-Hernandez, Juan Pablo, Minaya-Bravo, Ana Maria, Garcia-Urena, Miguel Angel.
Stepwise transversus abdominis muscle release for the treatment of complex bilateral subcostal incisional hernias.
Surgery . 170(4): 1112-1119. Nº de citas: 3
Herrera-Martínez AD, Junquera-Bañares S, Turrión-Merino L, Arrieta-Blanco F, Botella-Carretero J, Vázquez-Martínez C, Calañas-Continente A.
Case Report: Extensive Dermatitis Secondary to Severe Malnutrition, Zinc and Vitamin Deficiencies After Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery
Frontiers in Endocrinology . 12: 623543-623543.