Enfermedades Respiratorias

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Bikdeli B, Lo YC, Khairani C, Bejjani A, Jiménez D, Barco S, Mahajan S, Caraballo C, Secemsky E, Klok E, Hunsaker A, Aghayev A, Muriel A, Wang Y, Hussain M, Appah-Sampong A, Lu Y, Lin Z, Aneja S, Khera R, Goldhaber SZ, Zhou L, Monreal M, Krumholz H, Piazza G.

    Developing Validated Tools to Identify Pulmonary Embolism in Electronic Databases: Rationale and Design of the PE-EHR plus Study

    THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS . 123(06): 649-662. Nº de citas: 2


  • Díaz-García E, García-Sánchez A, Sánz-Rubio D, Alfaro E, López-Fernández C, Casitas R, Mañas Baena E, Cano-Pumarega I, Cubero P, Marin-Oto M, López-Collazo E, Marin JM, García-Río F, Cubillos-Zapata C.

    SMAD4 Expression in Monocytes as a Potential Biomarker for Atherosclerosis Risk in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.



  • Oscullo G, de la Rosa D, Garcia Clemente M, Giron R, Golpe R, Máiz L, Martinez-Garcia MA.

    The role of precision medicine in bronchiectasis: emerging data and clinical implications.



  • Mirambeaux R, Rodríguez C, Muriel A, González S, Briceño W, Durán D, Retegui A, Otero R, Bikdeli B, Jiménez D.

    Comparison of various prognostic scores for identification of patients with intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism

    THROMBOSIS RESEARCH . 223: 61-68. Nº de citas: 2


  • Rodríguez C, Durán D, Retegui A, Briceño W, González S, Castillo A, Jara I, Ponte M, Moisés J, Morillo R, Jiménez D.

    Usefulness of the National Early Warning Score for Risk Stratification of Stable Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism

    ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA . 59(3): 152-156. Nº de citas: 1


  • Casarrubios AM, Pérez-Atencio LF, Martín C, Ibarz JM, Mañas E, Paul DL, Barrio LC.

    Neural bases for the genesis and CO2 therapy of periodic Cheyne-Stokes breathing in neonatal male connexin-36 knockout mice

    FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE . 17: 1045269-1045269.


  • Fernandez-Felix BM, Corres J, Estelles Lerga P, Arana-Arri E, Arenaza Choperena G, Castillo M, Pecharromán I, San José-Saras D, Piqueras Olmeda R, García de Vicuña A, Gómez Usabiaga V, Vicente A, Zamora J.

    Prediction of significant coronary artery disease in acute chest pain without infarction in emergency department: MAPAC Cardio-PreTest model.



  • Cubillos-Zapata C, Martínez-García MÁ, Díaz-García E, García-Tovar S, Campos-Rodríguez F, Sánchez-de-la-Torre M, Nagore E, Martorell-Calatayud A, Blasco LH, Pastor E, Abad-Capa J, María Montserrat J, Cabriada-Nuño V, Cano-Pumarega I, Corral-Peñafiel J, Arias E, Mediano O, Somoza-González M, Dalmau-Arias J, Almendros I, Farré R, Gozal D, García-Río F.

    Obstructive sleep apnoea is related to melanoma aggressiveness through paraspeckle protein-1 upregulation

    EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL . 61(2): . Nº de citas: 3


  • Buso G, Mazzolai L, Rueda-Camino JA, Fernández-Capitán C, Jiménez D, Bikdeli B, Lobo JL, Fernández-Reyes JL, Ciammaichella M, Monreal M, RIETE Investigators.

    Pulmonary Embolism in Patients with COVID-19: Comparison between Different Care Settings

    SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS . 49(01): 34-46. Nº de citas: 5


  • Khairani CD, Bejjani A, Piazza G, Jimenez D, Monreal M, Chatterjee S, Pengo V, Woller SC, Cortes-Hernandez J, Connors JM, Kanthi Y, Krumholz HM, Middeldorp S, Falanga A, Cushman M, Goldhaber SZ, Garcia DA, Bikdeli B.

    Direct Oral Anticoagulants vs Vitamin K Antagonists in Patients With Antiphospholipid Syndromes Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY . 81(1): 16-30. Nº de citas: 19


  • Figueira-Gonçalves JM, García-Bello MÁ, Ramallo-Fariña Y, Méndez R, Latorre Campos A, González-Jiménez P, Peces-Barba G, Molina-Molina M, España PP, García E, Domínguez-Pazos SJ, García Clemente M, Panadero C, de la Rosa-Carrillo D, Sibila O, Martínez-Pitarch MD, Toledo-Pons N, López-Ramirez C, Almonte-Batista W, Macías-Paredes A, Badenes-Bonet D, Pérez-Rodas EN, Lázaro J, Quirós Fernández S, Cordovilla R, Cano-Pumarega I, Torres A, Menendez R.

    Persistent Respiratory Failure and Re-Admission in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Following Hospitalization for COVID-19

    International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . 18: 2473-2481.


  • de la Rosa-Carrillo D, Suárez-Cuartín G, Golpe R, Máiz Carro L, Martinez-Garcia MA.

    Inhaled Colistimethate Sodium in the Management of Patients with Bronchiectasis Infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Narrative Review of Current Evidence.

    Infection and Drug Resistance . 15: 7271-7292. Nº de citas: 3


  • Mavromanoli AC, Barco S, Ageno W, Bouvaist H, Brodmann M, Cuccia C, Couturaud F, Dellas C, Dimopoulos K, Duerschmied D, Empen K, Faggiano P, Ferrari E, Galiè N, Galvani M, Ghuysen A, Giannakoulas G, Huisman MV, Jiménez D, Kozak M, Lang IM, Meneveau N, Münzel T, Palazzini M, Petris AO, Piovaccari G, Salvi A, Schellong S, Schmidt KH, Verschuren F, Schmidtmann I, Toenges G, Klok FA, Konstantinides SV.

    Recovery of right ventricular function after intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism: results from the multicentre Pulmonary Embolism International Trial (PEITHO)-2.

    CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY . 112(10): 1372-1381.


  • Castillo-García M, Solano-Pérez E, Romero-Peralta S, Viejo-Ayuso ME, Silgado-Martínez L, Álvarez-Balado L, Mediano San Andrés R, Resano-Barrio P, García-Rio F, Cano-Pumarega I, Sánchez-de-la-Torre M, Ortigado A, López-Dueñas A, Fidalgo L, Rodríguez Á, Mediano O, Network SS.

    Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Pediatric Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Reversibility after Treatment: The KIDS TRIAL Study Protocol

    Children-Basel . 9(12): . Nº de citas: 1


  • Sadeghipour P, Jenab Y, Moosavi J, Hosseini K, Mohebbi B, Hosseinsabet A, Chatterjee S, Pouraliakbar H, Shirani S, Shishehbor MH, Alizadehasl A, Farrashi M, Rezvani MA, Rafiee F, Jalali A, Rashedi S, Shafe O, Giri J, Monreal M, Jimenez D, Lang I, Maleki M, Goldhaber SZ, Krumholz HM, Piazza G, Bikdeli B.

    Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis vs Anticoagulation in Patients With Acute Intermediate-High-risk Pulmonary Embolism The CANARY Randomized Clinical Trial

    JAMA Cardiology . 7(12): 1189-1197. Nº de citas: 19


  • Degenhardt F, Ellinghaus D, Juzenas S, Lerga-Jaso J, Wendorff M, Maya-Miles D, Uellendahl-Werth F, ElAbd H, Rühlemann MC, Arora J, Özer O, Lenning OB, Myhre R, Vadla MS, Wacker EM, Wienbrandt L, Ortiz AB, Salazar A, Chercoles AG, Palom A, Ruiz A, Garcia-Fernandez AE, Blanco-Grau A, Mantovani A, Zanella A, Holten AR, Mayer A, Bandera A, Cherubini A, Protti A, Aghemo A, Gerussi A, Ramirez A, Braun A, Nebel A, Barreira A, Lleo A, Teles A, Kildal AB, Biondi A, Caballero-Garralda A, Ganna A, Gori A, Glück A, Lind A, Tanck A, Hinney A, Nolla AC, Fracanzani AL, Peschuck A, Cavallero A, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Ruello A, Julià A, Muscatello A, Pesenti A, Voza A, Rando-Segura A, Solier A, Schmidt A, Cortes B, Mateos B, Nafria-Jimenez B, Schaefer B, Jensen B, Bellinghausen C, Maj C, Ferrando C, Horra C, Quereda C, Skurk C, Thibeault C, Scollo C, Herr C, Spinner CD, Gassner C, Lange C, Hu C, Paccapelo C, Lehmann C, Angelini C, Cappadona C, Azuure C, Bianco C, Cea C, Sancho C, Hoff DAL, Galimberti D, Prati D, Haschka D, Jiménez D, Pestaña D, Toapanta D, Muñiz-Diaz E, Azzolini E, Sandoval E, Binatti E, Scarpini E, Helbig ET, Casalone E, Urrechaga E, Paraboschi EM, Pontali E, Reverter E, Calderón EJ, Navas E, Solligård E, Contro E, Arana-Arri E, Aziz F, Garcia F, Sánchez FG, Ceriotti F, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Peyvandi F, Kurth F, Blasi F, Malvestiti F, Medrano FJ, Mesonero F, Rodriguez-Frias F, Hanses F, Müller F, Hemmrich-Stanisak G, Bellani G, Grasselli G, Pezzoli G, Costantino G, Albano G, Cardamone G, Bellelli G, Citerio G, Foti G, Lamorte G, Matullo G, Baselli G, Kurihara H, Neb H, My I, Kurth I, Hernández I, Pink I, Rojas I, Galván-Femenia I, Holter JC, Afset JE, Heyckendorf J, Kässens J, Damås JK, Rybniker J, Altmüller J, Ampuero J, Martín J, Erdmann J, Banales JM, Badia JR, Dopazo J, Schneider J, Bergan J, Barretina J, Walter J, Quero JH, Goikoetxea J, Delgado J, Guerrero JM, Fazaal J, Kraft J, Schröder J, Risnes K, Banasik K, Müller KE, Gaede KI, Garcia-Etxebarria K, Tonby K, Heggelund L, Izquierdo-Sanchez L, Bettini LR, Sumoy L, Sander LE, Lippert LJ, Terranova L, Nkambule L, Knopp L, Gustad LT, Garbarino L, Santoro L, Téllez L, Roade L, Ostadreza M, Intxausti M, Kogevinas M, Riveiro-Barciela M, Berger MM, Schaefer M, Niemi MEK, Gutiérrez-Stampa MA, Carrabba M, Figuera Basso ME, Valsecchi MG, Hernandez-Tejero M, Vehreschild MJGT, Manunta M, Acosta-Herrera M, D'Angiò M, Baldini M, Cazzaniga M, Grimsrud MM, Cornberg M, Nöthen MM, Marquié M, Castoldi M, Cordioli M, Cecconi M, D'Amato M, Augustin M, Tomasi M, Boada M, Dreher M, Seilmaier MJ, Joannidis M, Wittig M, Mazzocco M, Ciccarelli M, Rodríguez-Gandía M, Bocciolone M, Miozzo M, Ayo NI, Blay N, Chueca N, Montano N, Braun N, Ludwig N, Marx N, Martínez N, Cornely OA, Witzke O, Palmieri O, Faverio P, Preatoni P, Bonfanti P, Omodei P, Tentorio P, Castro P, Rodrigues PM, España PP, Hoffmann P, Rosenstiel P, Schommers P, Suwalski P, Pablo R, Ferrer R, Bals R, Gualtierotti R, Gallego-Durán R, Nieto R, Carpani R, Morilla R, Badalamenti S, Haider S, Ciesek S, May S, Bombace S, Marsal S, Pigazzini S, Klein S, Pelusi S, Wilfling S, Bosari S, Volland S, Brunak S, Raychaudhuri S, Schreiber S, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Aliberti S, Ripke S, Dudman S, Wesse T, Zheng T, Bahmer T, Eggermann T, Illig T, Brenner T, Pumarola T, Feldt T, Folseraas T, Cejudo TG, Landmesser U, Protzer U, Hehr U, Rimoldi V, Monzani V, Skogen V, Keitel V, Kopfnagel V, Friaza V, Andrade V, Moreno V, Albrecht W, Peter W, Poller W, Farre X, Yi X, Wang X, Khodamoradi Y, Karadeniz Z, Latiano A, Goerg S, Bacher P, Koehler P, Tran F, Zoller H, Schulte EC, Heidecker B, Ludwig KU, Fernández J, Romero-Gómez M, Albillos A, Invernizzi P, Buti M, Duga S, Bujanda L, Hov JR, Lenz TL, Asselta R, Cid R, Valenti L, Karlsen TH, Cáceres M, Franke A.

    Detailed stratified GWAS analysis for severe COVID-19 in four European populations

    HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS . 31(23): 3945-3966. Nº de citas: 28


  • Morell-Hita JL, Rigual-Bobilo JA, Macía-Villa CC.

    Post-COVID 19 Interstitial Lung Disease: A New Treatment Challenge In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.

    REUMATOLOGIA CLINICA . 18(10): 625-626.


  • Gorospe L, Solier-López A, Ayala-Carbonero AM, Muñoz-Molina GM.

    Large portopulmonary venous anastomosis in a patient with portal hypertension.

