Epidemiología y Bioestadística Clínica

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Frutos-Vivar F, Peñuelas O, Muriel A, Mancebo J, García-Jiménez A, de Pablo R, Valledor M, Ferrer M, León M, Quiroga JM, Temprano S, Vallverdú I, Fernández R, Gordo F, Anzueto A, Esteban A.

    Mechanical ventilation in Spain, 1998-2016: changes in the disconnection of mechanical ventilation.

    Medicina Intensiva . : .


  • O'Mahony D, Gudmundsson A, Soiza RL, Petrovic M, Jose Cruz-Jentoft A, Cherubini A, Fordham R, Byrne S, Dahly D, Gallagher P, Lavan A, Curtin D, Dalton K, Cullinan S, Flanagan E, Shiely F, Samuelsson O, Sverrisdottir A, Subbarayan S, Vandaele L, Meireson E, Montero-Errasquin B, Rexach-Cano A, Correa Perez A, Lozano-Montoya I, Vélez-Díaz-Pallarés M, Cerenzia A, Corradi S, Soledad Cotorruelo Ferreiro M, Dimitri F, Marinelli P, Martelli G, Fong Soe Khioe R, Eustace J.

    Corrigendum to: Prevention of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized older patients with multi-morbidity and polypharmacy: the SENATOR* randomized controlled clinical trial.

    AGE AND AGEING . : .


  • Antequera A, Stallings E, Henry RS, Lopez-Alcalde J, Runnels V, Tudiver S, Tugwell P, Welch V.

    Sex and Gender Appraisal Tool-Systematic Reviews-2 and Participation-to-Prevalence Ratio assessed to whom the evidence applies in sepsis reviews.



  • Rodríguez C, Solier A, Marín M, Tenes A, Durán D, Retegui A, Muriel A, Otero R, Monreal M, Jiménez D.

    Prognostic Significance of Findings on CTPA Supporting an Alternative Diagnosis to PE Among Patients Hospitalized for an Exacerbation of COPD: Predefined Subanalysis of the SLICE Trial.



  • Fra-Fernández S, Muñoz-Molina GM, Cabañero-Sánchez A, Del Campo-Albendea L, Bolufer-Nadal S, Embún-Flor R, Martínez-Hernández NJ, Moreno-Mata N.

    Postoperative morbidity after anatomical lung resections by VATS vs thoracotomy: Treatment and intention-to-treat analysis of the Spanish Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Group.

    Cirugia Espanola . : .


  • Muñoz-Molina GM, Fra-Fernández S, Cabañero-Sánchez A, Rojas-Tula DG, Cavestany-García-Matres C, Muriel-García A, Caballero-Silva U, Gorospe-Sarasúa L, Saldaña-Garrido D, Benito-Berlinches A, Moreno-Mata N.

    Prognostic Value of Adding Blood and Lymphatic Vessel Invasion to the 8th Classification of TNM in Lung Cancer in Stages I and II.

