Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Pérez-Cuadrado-Robles E, Bronswijk M, Prat F, Barthet M, Palazzo M, Arcidiacono P, Schaefer M, Devière J, van Wanrooij RLJ, Tarantino I, Donatelli G, Camus M, Sanchez-Yague A, Pham KD, Gonzalez JM, Anderloni A, Vila JJ, Jezequel J, Larghi A, Jaïs B, Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Deprez PH, Van der Merwe S, Cellier C, Rahmi G.

    Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage using lumen-apposing metal stent of malignant afferent limb syndrome in patients with previous Whipple surgery: Multicenter study (with video)

    DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY . 34(7): 1433-1439. Nº de citas: 8


  • Gallego-Durán R, Albillos A, Ampuero J, Arechederra M, Bañares R, Blas-García A, Berná G, Caparrós E, Delgado TC, Falcón-Pérez JM, Francés R, Fernández-Barrena MG, Graupera I, Iruzubieta P, Nevzorova YA, Nogueiras R, Macías RI, Marín F, Sabio G, Soriano G, Vaquero J, Cubero FJ, Gracia-Sancho J.

    Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease: From simple steatosis toward liver cirrhosis and potential complications. Proceedings of the Third Translational Hepatology Meeting, organized by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH)

    GASTROENTEROLOGIA Y HEPATOLOGIA . 45(9): 724-734. Nº de citas: 3


  • Bassegoda O, Olivas P, Turco L, Mandorfer M, Serra-Burriel M, Tellez L, Kwanten W, Laroyenne A, Farcau O, Alvarado E, Moga L, Vuille-Lessard E, Fortea JI, Ibañez L, Tosetti G, Vanwolleghem T, Larrue H, Burgos-Santamaría D, Stefanescu H, Paternostro R, Cippitelli A, Lens S, Augustin S, Llop E, Laleman W, Trebicka J, Chang J, Masnou H, Zipprich A, Miceli F, Semmler G, Forns X, Primignani M, Bañares R, Puente A, Berzigotti A, Rautou PE, Villanueva C, Gines P, Garcia-Pagan JC, Procopet B, Bureau C, Albillos A, Francque S, Reiberger T, Schepis F, Graupera I, Hernandez-Gea V, Baveno Cooperation Study group.

    Decompensation in Advanced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease May Occur at Lower Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient Levels Than in Patients With Viral Disease

    Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association . 20(10): 2276-22866. Nº de citas: 30


  • López Cardona J, Senosiaín Lalastra C, Mesonero Gismero F, García de la Filia Molina I, Escribano Cruz S, Trigo Gallego G, Albillos A.

    Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and graft-versus-host disease.



  • Montoro M, Cucala M, Lanas Á, Villanueva C, Hervás AJ, Alcedo J, Gisbert JP, Aisa ÁP, Bujanda L, Calvet X, Mearin F, Murcia Ó, Canelles P, García López S, Martín de Argila C, Planella M, Quintana M, Jericó C, García Erce JA.

    Indications and hemoglobin thresholds for red blood cell transfusion and iron replacement in adults with gastrointestinal bleeding: An algorithm proposed by gastroenterologists and patient blood management experts

    Frontiers In Medicine . 9: 903739-903739. Nº de citas: 2


  • de-Madaria E, Buxbaum JL, Maisonneuve P, García García de Paredes A, Zapater P, Guilabert L, Vaillo-Rocamora A, Rodríguez-Gandía MÁ, Donate-Ortega J, Lozada-Hernández EE, Collazo Moreno AJR, Lira-Aguilar A, Llovet LP, Mehta R, Tandel R, Navarro P, Sánchez-Pardo AM, Sánchez-Marin C, Cobreros M, Fernández-Cabrera I, Casals-Seoane F, Casas Deza D, Lauret-Braña E, Martí-Marqués E, Camacho-Montaño LM, Ubieto V, Ganuza M, Bolado F.

    Aggressive or Moderate Fluid Resuscitation in Acute Pancreatitis

    NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE . 387(11): 989-1000. Nº de citas: 51


  • Núñez L, Mesonero F, Rodríguez de Santiago E, Die J, Albillos A, López-Sanromán A.

    High incidence of surgery and initiation of medical therapies after colectomy for ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease unclassified.



  • Barreiro-de Acosta M, Riestra S, Calafat M, Soto MP, Calvo M, Sánchez Rodríguez E, Caballol B, Vela M, Rivero M, Muñoz F, de Castro L, Calvet X, García-Alonso FJ, Utrilla Fornals A, Ferreiro-Iglesias R, González-Muñoza C, Chaparro M, Bujanda L, Sicilia B, Alfambra E, Rodríguez A, Pérez Fernández R, Rodríguez C, Almela P, Argüelles F, Busquets D, Tamarit-Sebastián S, Reygosa Castro C, Jiménez L, Marín-Jiménez I, Alcaide N, Fernández-Salgado E, Iglesias Á, Ponferrada Á, Pajares R, Roncero Ó, Morales-Alvarado VJ, Ispízua-Madariaga N, Sáinz E, Merino O, Márquez-Mosquera L, García-Sepulcre M, Elorza A, Estrecha S, Surís G, Van Domselaar M, Brotons A, de Francisco R, Cañete F, Iglesias E, Vera MI, Mesonero F, Lorente R, Zabana Y, Cabriada JL, Domènech E, Rodríguez-Lago I.

    Management and long-term outcomes of Crohn's disease complicated with enterocutaneous fistula: ECUFIT study from GETECCU.

    JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . 16(7): 1049-1058.


  • Chaparro M, Baston-Rey I, Fernández Salgado E, González García J, Ramos L, Diz-Lois Palomares MT, Argüelles-Arias F, Iglesias Flores E, Cabello M, Rubio Iturria S, Núñez Ortiz A, Charro M, Ginard D, Dueñas Sadornil C, Merino Ochoa O, Busquets D, Iyo E, Gutiérrez Casbas A, Ramírez de la Piscina P, Boscá-Watts MM, Arroyo M, García MJ, Hinojosa E, Gordillo J, Martínez Montiel P, Velayos Jiménez B, Quílez Ivorra C, Vázquez Morón JM, Huguet JM, González-Lama Y, Muñagorri Santos AI, Amo VM, Martín Arranz MD, Bermejo F, Martínez Cadilla J, Rubín de Célix C, Fradejas Salazar P, López San Román A, Jiménez N, García-López S, Figuerola A, Jiménez I, Martínez Cerezo FJ, Taxonera C, Varela P, de Francisco R, Monfort D, Molina Arriero G, Hernández-Camba A, García Alonso FJ, Van Domselaar M, Pajares-Villarroya R, Núñez A, Rodríguez Moranta F, Marín-Jiménez I, Robles Alonso V, Martín Rodríguez MDM, Camo-Monterde P, García Tercero I, Navarro-Llavat M, García LA, Hervías Cruz D, Kloss S, Passey A, Novella C, Vispo E, Barreiro-de Acosta M, Gisbert JP.

    Using Interpretable Machine Learning to Identify Baseline Predictive Factors of Remission and Drug Durability in Crohn's Disease Patients on Ustekinumab.

    Journal Of Clinical Medicine . 11(15): .


  • Casas-Deza D, Calvo LJL, Gomollón F, Arbonés Mainar JM, Caballol B, Gisbert JP, Rivero M, Sánchez Rodríguez E, Arias García L, Gutiérrez Casbas A, Merino O, Márquez L, Laredo V, Martín-Arranz MD, López Serrano P, Riestra Menéndez S, González-Muñoza C, de Castro Parga L, Calvo Moya M, Fuentes-Valenzuela E, Esteve M, Iborra M, Dura Gil M, Barreiro-De Acosta M, Lorente Poyatos RH, Manceñido N, Calafat M, Rodríguez Lago I, Guardiola Capo J, Payeras MA, Morales Alvarado VJ, Tardillo C, Bujanda L, Muñoz Núñez JF, Ber Nieto Y, Bermejo F, Almela P, Navarro-Llavat M, Martínez Montiel P, Gutiérrez CR, Van Domselaar M, Sesé E, Martínez Pérez T, Ricart E, Chaparro M, García MJ, López-Sanromán A, Sicilia B, Orts B, García AL, Martín-Larraz E, Pérez Calle JL, de Francisco R, García-Planella E, Domènech E, García-López YS.

    Efectiveness And Safety Of Ustekinumab In Elderly Patients With Crohn's Disease: Real World Evidence From The Eneida Registry.

    JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . 17(1): 83-91.


  • Rodríguez de Santiago E, Dinis-Ribeiro M, Pohl H, Agrawal D, Arvanitakis M, Baddeley R, Bak E, Bhandari P, Bretthauer M, Burga P, Donnelly L, Eickhoff A, Hayee B, Kaminski MF, Karlovic K, Lorenzo-Zúñiga V, Pellisé M, Pioche M, Siau K, Siersema PD, Stableforth W, Tham TC, Triantafyllou K, Tringali A, Veitch A, Voiosu AM, Webster GJ, Vienne A, Beilenhoff U, Bisschops R, Hassan C, Gralnek IM, Messmann H.

    Reducing the environmental footprint of gastrointestinal endoscopy: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates (ESGENA) Position Statement

    Endoscopy . 54(08): 797-826. Nº de citas: 46


  • Taxonera C, Fernández-Aceñero MJ, Olivares D, Calvo M, Casis B, Bermejo F, López Serrano P, Iborra M, Mesonero F, Boscá Watts M, Díaz Del Arco C, Vera I, Olivares S, Algaba A, Alba C.

    Association of golimumab trough concentrations during maintenance with clinical, biological, endoscopic and histologic remission in patients with ulcerative colitis

    ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS . 56(4): 614-624. Nº de citas: 2


  • Romero-Hernández B, Martínez-García L, Rodríguez-Dominguez M, Martínez-Sanz J, Vélez-Díaz-Pallarés M, Pérez Mies B, Muriel A, Gea F, Pérez-Elías MJ, Galán JC.

    The Negative Impact of COVID-19 in HCV, HIV, and HPV Surveillance Programs During the Different Pandemic Waves.

    Frontiers in Public Health . 10: 880435-880435. Nº de citas: 1


  • Riestra S, Taxonera C, Zabana Y, Carpio D, Chaparro M, Barrio J, Rivero M, López-Sanroman A, Esteve M, de Francisco R, Bastida G, García-López S, Mañosa M, Martin-Arranz MD, Pérez-Calle JL, Guardiola J, Muñoz F, Arranz L, Cabriada JL, García-Sepulcre MF, Navarro M, Montoro-Huguet MÁ, Ricart E, Bermejo F, Calvet X, Piqueras M, Garcia-Planella E, Márquez L, Mínguez M, Van Domselar M, Bujanda L, Aldeguer X, Sicilia B, Iglesias E, Alcaín G, Pérez-Martínez I, Rolle V, Castaño-García A, P Gisbert J, Domènech E, On Behalf Of The Eneida Registry From Geteccu.

    Performance of Screening Strategies for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results from the ENEIDA Registry of GETECCU.

    Journal Of Clinical Medicine . 11(13): .


  • Martínez-Sanz J, Calvo MV, Serrano-Villar S, Montes ML, Martín-Mateos R, Burgos-Santamaría D, Díaz-Álvarez J, Talavera-Rodríguez A, Rosas M, Moreno S, Fontecha J, Sánchez-Conde M.

    Effects of HIV Infection in Plasma Free Fatty Acid Profiles among People with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

    Journal Of Clinical Medicine . 11(13): .


  • Albéniz E, Montori S, Rodríguez de Santiago E, Lorenzo-Zúñiga V, Álvarez MA, Estremera-Arevalo F, Pohl H.

    Preventing Postendoscopic Mucosal Resection Bleeding of Large Nonpedunculated Colorectal Lesions

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY . 117(7): 1080-1088. Nº de citas: 1


  • Téllez L, Sánchez Rodríguez E, Rodríguez de Santiago E, Llovet L, Gómez-Outomuro A, Díaz-Fontenla F, Álvarez López P, García-Eliz M, Amaral C, Sánchez-Torrijos Y, Fortea JI, Ferre-Aracil C, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Abadía M, Gómez-Camarero J, Olveira A, Calleja JL, Crespo J, Romero M, Hernández-Guerra M, Berenguer M, Riveiro-Braciela M, Salcedo M, Rodríguez M, Londoño MC, Albillos A.

    Early predictors of corticosteroid response in acute severe autoimmune hepatitis: A nationwide multicenter study

    ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS . 56(1): 131-143. Nº de citas: 6


  • Baiges A, Cerda E, Amicone C, Téllez L, Alvarado-Tapias E, Puente A, Fortea JI, Llop E, Rocha F, Orts L, Ros-Fargas O, Vizcarra P, Zekrini K, Ould Amara Y, Touati G, Jimenez N, Serrano MJ, Falgà A, Magaz M, Olivas P, Betancourt F, Perez-Campuzano V, Turon F, Payance A, Goria O, Rautou P, Hernández-Gea V, Villanueva C, Albillos A, Plessier A, García-Pagán JC.

    Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Vascular Liver Diseases

    Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association . 20(7): 1525. Nº de citas: 6
