Enfermedades Infecciosas

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Sólo se han incluido artículos originales, editoriales y revisiones.

  • Elías MJ, Arroyo D, Diaz A, Herrero C, Martinez-Dueñas L, Moreno A, Hernández-Quero J, Podzamcer D, Gomez-Ayerbe C, Casado JL, Zamora J, Rivero A, Moreno S, Llibre JM.

    Use of maraviroc in patients with undetectable viral load: efficacy, tolerance and predictors of viral response in MARAVIROC-cohort study.

    JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY . 17(4 Suppl 3): 19800-19800. Nº de citas: 1


  • Casado JL, Bañón S, Moreno A, de Santiago AD, Gomez C, Perez-Elías MJ, Moreno S.

    Lamivudine plus darunavir boosted with ritonavir as simplification dual regimen in HIV-infected patients.

    JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY . 17(4 Suppl 3): 19801-19801. Nº de citas: 6


  • Bañón S, Moreno A, Quereda C, Gomez C, de Santiago AD, Perez-Elías MJ, Moreno S, Casado JL.

    A clinical and pharmacokinetic study of the combination of etravirine plus raltegravir in HIV patients with expanded intolerance or resistance.

    JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY . 17(4 Suppl 3): 19804-19804. Nº de citas: 3


  • Elías MJ, Gomez-Ayerbe C, Muriel A, Calonge ME, Diaz A, Elías PP, Martinez-Colubi M, Uranga A, Santos C, Moreno A, Quereda C, Navas E, Moreno S.

    Comparison of routine versus targeted HIV testing strategies: coverage and estimated missed infections in emergency room and primary care centre.

    JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY . 17(4 Suppl 3): 19671-19671.

  • Gomez-Ayerbe C, Elías MJ, Muriel A, Elías PP, Cano A, Diaz A, Moreno A, Casado JL, Santos C, Martinez-Colubi M, Uranga A, Dronda F, Moreno S.

    Incremental cost per newly diagnosed HIV infection (NDHI): routine (RTS), targeted (TTS), and current clinical practice testing strategies (CPTS).

    JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY . 17(4 Suppl 3): 19606-19606.

  • Pérez-Elías MJ, Muriel A, Moreno A, Martinez-Colubi M, Iribarren JA, Masiá M, Blanco JR, Palacios R, Del Romero J, Pérez DG, Hernando V.

    Relevant gender differences in epidemiological profile, exposure to first antiretroviral regimen and survival in the Spanish AIDS Research Network Cohort

    ANTIVIRAL THERAPY . 19(4): 375-385. Nº de citas: 6


  • Montes Ramírez ML, Miró JM, Quereda C, Jou A, von Wichmann MÁ, Berenguer J, González-García JJ, Hernando A, Ortega E, Sanz J, Arribas JR.

    Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HIV-Infected Patients With Cirrhosis: A Prospective Study



  • Monge-Maillo B, Norman FF, Pérez-Molina JA, Navarro M, Díaz-Menéndez M, López-Vélez R.

    Travelers visiting friends and relatives (VFR) and imported infectious disease: Travelers, immigrants or both? A comparative analysis

    TRAVEL MEDICINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE . 12(1): 88-94. Nº de citas: 38


  • Perez-Molina JA, Poveda C, Martinez-Perez A, Guhl F, Monge-Maillo B, Fresno M, López-Velez R, Ramírez JD, Girones N.

    Distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units in Bolivian migrants in Spain

    INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION . 21: 440-442. Nº de citas: 8


  • De Winne K, Büscher P, Luquetti AO, Tavares SB, Oliveira RA, Solari A, Zulantay I, Apt W, Diosque P, Monje Rumi M, Gironès N, Fresno M, Lopez-Velez R, Perez-Molina JA, Monge-Maillo B, Garcia L, Deborggraeve S.

    The Trypanosoma cruzi Satellite DNA OligoC-TesT and Trypanosoma cruzi Kinetoplast DNA OligoC-TesT for Diagnosis of Chagas Disease: A Multi-cohort Comparative Evaluation Study

    PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES . 8(1): . Nº de citas: 8


  • Diez M, Diaz A, Garriga C, Pons M, Ten A, Marcos H, Gutierrez G, Moreno S, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Barrios A, Arponen S, Garcia M, Royo M, Toledo J, Gonzalez G, Aranguren R, Izquierdo A, Viloria Lj, Elizalde L, Martinez E, Castrillejo D, Lopez I, Redondo C, Cano A, The Hospital Survey Study Group C.

    A low-cost, sustainable, second generation system for surveillance of people living with HIV in Spain: 10-year trends in behavioural and clinical indicators, 2002 to 2011.

    Eurosurveillance . 19(20): .

  • Serrano-Villar S, Moreno S, Fuentes-Ferrer M, Sánchez-Marcos C, Avila M, Sainz T, de Villar NG, Fernández-Cruz A, Estrada V.

    The CD4:CD8 ratio is associated with markers of age-associated disease in virally suppressed HIV-infected patients with immunological recovery

    HIV MEDICINE . 15(1): 40-49. Nº de citas: 94


  • Sainz T, Álvarez-Fuente M, Navarro ML, Díaz L, Rojo P, Blázquez D, de José MI, Ramos JT, Serrano-Villar S, Martínez J, Medrano C, Muñoz-Fernández MÁ, Mellado MJ.

    Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Markers of Immune Activation in HIV-Infected Children and Adolescents: The CaroVIH Study



  • Vallejo C, Vázquez L, Cabrera Martín JR, Carreras E, García Rodríguez J, Ruiz Camps I, Fortún J, Mensa J, Barberán J.

    Treatment of invasive fungal infections in high-risk haematological patients: What have we learnt in the past 10 years?

    REVISTA ESPANOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA . 26(4): 378-386. Nº de citas: 10

  • Casado JL, Quereda C, Moreno A, Pérez-Elías MJ, Martí-Belda P, Moreno S.

    Regression of liver fibrosis is progressive after sustained virological response to HCV therapy in patients with hepatitis C and HIV coinfection

    JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS . 20(12): 829-837. Nº de citas: 24


  • González-Serna A, Abad-Fernández M, Soriano-Sarabia N, Leal M, Vallejo A.

    CD8 TCR beta chain repertoire expansions and deletions are related with immunologic markers in HIV-1-infected patients during treatment interruption

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY . 58(4): 703-709. Nº de citas: 4


  • Lodi S, Fisher M, Phillips A, De Luca A, Ghosn J, Malyuta R, Zangerle R, Moreno S, Vanhems P, Boufassa F, Guiguet M, Porter K.

    Symptomatic Illness and Low CD4 Cell Count at HIV Seroconversion as Markers of Severe Primary HIV Infection

    Plos One . 8(11): . Nº de citas: 9


  • Walmsley SL, Antela A, Clumeck N, Duiculescu D, Eberhard A, Gutiérrez F, Hocqueloux L, Maggiolo F, Sandkovsky U, Granier C, Pappa K, Wynne B, Min S, Nichols G, SINGLE Investigators.

    Dolutegravir plus abacavir-lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.

    NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE . 369(19): 1807-1818. Nº de citas: 542
