AACR - Grant to optimize drug dosing strategies for pediatric LGA/LGG patients 2019
The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation's PLGA Fund and the AACR are proud to announce the inaugural Research Grant to Optimize Drug Dosing Strategies for Pediatric LGA/LGG Patients. This grant represents a joint effort to promote and support innovative and collaborative research focused on the most common forms of pediatric brain cancer - low grade glioma/astrocytoma. The research proposed for funding should be translational in nature (though basic science and clinical proposals will also be considered), and should be focused on improving the understanding and identification of effective dosing parameters for treating children with PLGA brain tumors, with indications for children battling other types of brain tumors. Proposals should also include at least one collaborator from an institution separate from the applicant's institution.
Applications are invited from researchers in the field as well as investigators with experience in other areas of cancer or biomedical research who have promising ideas and approaches that can be applied to PLGA.
Projects must be implemented by a collaborative research team, composed of one principal investigator and at least one collaborator from different institutions. This grant provides $180,000 over two years for expenses related to the research project, which may include salary and benefits of the grant recipient and any collaborators, postdoctoral or clinical research fellows, graduate students and/or research assistants; research/laboratory supplies; equipment; travel; publication charges for manuscripts that pertain directly to the funded project; and other research expenses.
Cuantía: 180.000$
Duración: 2 años
Inicio del proyecto: 1 de enero de 2020
Los proyectos propuestos deberán ser de naturaleza traslacional.
El/la Investigador/a Principal deberá estar en posesión del título de doctor, médico especialista o equivalente en un área relacionada con la temática del proyecto a financiar.
Los solicitantes deben ser miembros de la AACR. Los no miembros interesados en esta convocatoria deberán presentar una solicitud satisfactoria para la membresía de AACR, y ser miembros, antes de la fecha límite de solicitud.
Deberá realizarse a través de la página web de la convocatoria adjuntando toda la documentación que se solicita en https://proposalcentral.com
El plazo finaliza el 18 de febrero de 2020 a las 1:00 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time)
Del al
(Plazos IRYCIS)
FinanciadorAmerican Association for Cancer Research
Cuantía180.000 $