The Cardiovascular Diseases Group of IRYCIS hosts the first meeting of the European project STRATIFY-HF (Horizon Europe)

The European STRATIFY-HF "Artificial intelligent-based decisión support system for risk stratification and early detection of heart failure in primary and secondary care", has been underway since June 2023, with a duration of 4 years under the umbrella of the international Horizon Europe call. Its objective is to develop an artificial intelligence system that allows for early detection and risk stratification of heart failure progression in both primary care and hospital settings.
Heart failure is currently a pandemic affecting more than 15 million people in Europe, associated with poor quality of life and high socio-economic costs. There is a clear need for a tool to stratify risk, enable early diagnosis, and monitor disease progression to implement evidence-based treatments that will improve patient quality of life and reduce heart failure morbidity and mortality.

The Spanish participation in Madrid focuses on the hospital setting, providing clinical expertise and patients recruitment for both retrospective and prospective studies. Both studies will be conducted entirely in the Advanced Heart Failure Unit of the Cardiology Service and its research group, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES (area 5 of IRYCIS), led by Professor JOSE LUIS ZAMORANO and comprising doctors Marta Jiménez-Blanco, Jesús Álvarez, and Susana del Prado.
The project also involves 9 other partners, all coordinated by BioIRC (Serbia), an R&D center dedicated to the development of computational methods and software in the field of bioengineering.
The First Plenary Meeting took place in Madrid on November 16 and 17, 2023. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr. Zamorano and attended by 19 in-person attendees and 2 via Zoom, representing a total of 10 different entities from 6 different countries.