
The group focuses its research projects on non-traumatic musculoskeletal diseases, mainly autoimmune diseases (Lupus, Scleroderma, Vasculitis, Inflammatory myopathies,...), and immune-mediated arthropathies (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis,...). The group has mainly carried out clinical research studies (description of disease phenotypes, response to treatments) and, in recent years, basic research (histopathology, immunology, and genetics) has been added. Likewise, innovative projects have been developed (training of rheumatic patients, thermal imaging in arthritis, mobile devices for monitoring chronic diseases) for application to clinical practice. Four members of the group are doctors and 5 more are finishing their PhD. We have got updated records of disease groups, clinical situation and prescribed advanced (biological) treatments. We have got a collection of biological samples of all these autoimmune diseases in different stages of evolution and different treatments

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