Psychiatric Diseases

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  • Blasco-Fontecilla H, Jaussent I, Olié E, Garcia EB, Beziat S, Malafosse A, Guillaume S, Courtet P.

    Additive effects between prematurity and postnatal risk factors of suicidal behavior

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 47(7): 937-943. Number of citations: 5


  • Grande I, Goikolea JM, de Dios C, González-Pinto A, Montes JM, Saiz-Ruiz J, Prieto E, Vieta E.

    Occupational disability in bipolar disorder: analysis of predictors of being on severe disablement benefit (PREBIS study data)

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 127(5): 403-411. Number of citations: 42


  • Almoguera B, Riveiro-Alvarez R, Lopez-Castroman J, Dorado P, Vaquero-Lorenzo C, Fernandez-Piqueras J, Llerena A, Abad-Santos F, Baca-García E, Dal-Ré R, Ayuso C.

    Association of common genetic variants with risperidone adverse events in a Spanish schizophrenic population

    PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL . 13(2): 197-204. Number of citations: 14


  • Lahera G, Benito A, Montes JM, Fernández-Liria A, Olbert CM, Penn DL.

    Social cognition and interaction training (SCIT) for outpatients with bipolar disorder

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 146(1): 132-136. Number of citations: 63


  • López-Muñoz F, Shen WW, Pae CU, Moreno R, Rubio G, Molina JD, Noriega C, Pérez-Nieto MA, Huelves L, Alamo C.

    Trends in Scientific Literature on Atypical Antipsychotics in South Korea: A Bibliometric Study

    PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION . 10(1): 8-16. Number of citations: 15


  • Arias F, Szerman N, Vega P, Mesias B, Basurte I, Morant C, Ochoa E, Poyo F, Babin F.

    Abuse or dependence on cannabis and other psychiatric disorders. Madrid study on dual pathology prevalence

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 41(2): 122-129. Number of citations: 27

  • Delgado-Gomez D, Lopez-Castroman J, de Leon-Martinez V, Baca-Garcia E, Cabanas-Arrate ML, Sanchez-Gonzalez A, Aguado D.

    Psychometrical Assessment and Item Analysis of the General Health Questionnaire in Victims of Terrorism

    PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT . 25(1): 279-287. Number of citations: 1


  • López-Muñoz F, Alamo C.

    Active metabolites as antidepressant drugs: the role of norquetiapine in the mechanism of action of quetiapine in the treatment of mood disorders.

    Frontiers in psychiatry . 4: 102-102.


  • Lahera G, Freund N, Sáiz-Ruiz J.

    Salience and dysregulation of the dopaminergic system

    REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRIA Y SALUD MENTAL . 6(1): 45-51. Number of citations: 9


  • Bernardo M, Bioque M, Parellada M, Saiz Ruiz J, Cuesta MJ, Llerena A, Sanjuán J, Castro-Fornieles J, Arango C, Cabrera B.

    Assessing clinical and functional outcomes in a gene-environment interaction study in first episode of psychosis (PEPs)

    REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRIA Y SALUD MENTAL . 6(1): 4-16. Number of citations: 84


  • Mendez-Bustos P, Lopez-Castroman J, Baca-García E, Ceverino A.

    Life Cycle and Suicidal Behavior among Women

    SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL . 2013: 485851-485851. Number of citations: 19


  • Leiva-Murillo JM, López-Castromán J, Baca-García E.

    Characterization of Suicidal Behaviour with Self-Organizing Maps

    COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE . 2013: 136743-136743. Number of citations: 2


  • Montes JM, Medina E, Gomez-Beneyto M, Maurino J.

    A short message service (SMS)-based strategy for enhancing adherence to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 200(2-3): 89-95. Number of citations: 95


  • Lopez-Castroman J, Jaussent I, Beziat S, Genty C, Olié E, de Leon-Martinez V, Baca-Garcia E, Malafosse A, Courtet P, Guillaume S.

    Suicidal phenotypes associated with family history of suicidal behavior and early traumatic experiences

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 142(1-3): 193-199. Number of citations: 27


  • de Dios C, González-Pinto A, Montes JM, Goikolea JM, Saiz-Ruiz J, Prieto E, Vieta E.

    Predictors of recurrence in bipolar disorders in Spain (PREBIS study data)

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 141(2-3): 406-414. Number of citations: 15


  • Mas S, Llerena A, Saíz J, Bernardo M, Lafuente A.

    Strengths and weaknesses of pharmacogenetic studies of antipsychotic drugs: the potential value of the PEPs study

    Pharmacogenomics . 13(15): 1773-1782. Number of citations: 15


  • Oquendo MA, Baca-Garcia E, Artés-Rodríguez A, Perez-Cruz F, Galfalvy HC, Blasco-Fontecilla H, Madigan D, Duan N.

    Machine learning and data mining: strategies for hypothesis generation

    MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY . 17(10): 956-959. Number of citations: 45


  • Blasco-Fontecilla H, Delgado-Gomez D, Ruiz-Hernandez D, Aguado D, Baca-Garcia E, Lopez-Castroman J.

    Combining scales to assess suicide risk

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH . 46(10): 1272-1277. Number of citations: 24
