Physiotherapy in Women's Health Research Group

The group's mission is to promote the growth of physiotherapy in women's health, promoting beneficial behaviors in the health and well-being of women with the vision of being the benchmark in Physiotherapy in Women's Health. The values of the FPSM Research Group are commitment, trust and innovation with the purpose of transferring clinical research in women's health to society, making it accessible to all women.

The main lines of research are developed within two large sections, the clinical section (physiotherapy in physiological processes such as pregnancy and menopause, and in pathophysiological processes, such as pelvic floor dysfunctions, oncological conditions and their different sequelae, and pain in women) and the educational section (therapeutic and health education, teaching innovation and service learning).

Search for publications

Only original articles, editorials, guidelines.

  • Roldán-Ruiz A, Bailón-Cerezo J, Torres-Lacomba M.

    The prevalence of subclassification-based diagnoses when considering cervical contribution in shoulder pain patients: a secondary analysis from a previous research.



  • Roldán-Ruiz A, Bailón-Cerezo J, Falla D, Torres-Lacomba M.

    The prevalence of cervical contribution in patients reporting shoulder pain. An observational study.

    Musculoskeletal Science and Practice . 73: 103158-103158.


  • Frumer MH, Napel HT, Yuste-Sánchez MJ, Rodríguez-Costa I.

    Design and validation of AQUA CHILD-Pre-aquatic questionnaire assessing child development.

    BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR . 14(10): .


  • Romojaro-Pérez C, Navarro-Brazález B, Bailón-Cerezo J, Torres-Lacomba M.

    Health literacy in prostate cancer: What do Spanish men know about prostate cancer? A cross-sectional descriptive study.

    Actas Urologicas Espanolas . 48(9): 642-650.


  • Moratalla-Bartolomé E, Lázaro-de-la-Fuente J, López-Carrasco I, Cabezas-López E, Carugno J, Sancho-Sauco J, Pelayo-Delgado I.

    Surgical impact of bilateral transient occlusion of uterine and utero-ovarian arteries during laparoscopic myomectomy.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 14(1): 7044-7044.


  • Pelayo-Delgado I, Sancho J, Pelayo M, Corraliza V, Perez-Mies B, Del Valle C, Abarca L, Pablos MJ, Martin-Gromaz C, Pérez-Vidal JR, Penades I, Garcia E, Llanos MC, Alcazar JL.

    Contribution of Outpatient Ultrasound Transvaginal Biopsy and Puncture in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pelvic Lesions: A Bicenter Study

    DIAGNOSTICS . 13(3): . Number of citations: 3


  • Lázaro-Carrasco de la Fuente J, Cuerva González M, González Rodríguez S, Delgado Marín JL, Cuevas Castillo C, Nieto Magro C.

    Early Effect of 0.005% Estriol Vaginal Gel on Symptoms and Signs of Vulvovaginal Atrophy.

    Journal Of Menopausal Medicine . 28(2): 60-69.
