Multisystemic Diseases

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  • Kotecha D, Gill SK, Flather MD, Holmes J, Packer M, Rosano G, Böhm M, McMurray JJV, Wikstrand J, Anker SD, van Veldhuisen DJ, Manzano L, von Lueder TG, Rigby AS, Andersson B, Kjekshus J, Wedel H, Ruschitzka F, Cleland JGF, Damman K, Redon J, Coats AJS, Beta-Blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group.

    Impact of Renal Impairment on Beta-Blocker Efficacy in Patients With Heart Failure.

    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY . 74(23): 2893-2904. Number of citations: 22


  • Pérez Sánchez L, Rubal Bran D, Montero Ruiz E.

    A brief history of medical cross-consultations.

    Revista clinica espanola . : .


  • Camafort M, Jhund PS, Formiga F, Castro-Salomó A, Arévalo-Lorido JC, Sobrino-Martínez J, Manzano L, Díez-Manglano J, Aramburu Ó, Montero Pérez-Barquero M, DICUMAP Investigators.

    Prognostic value of ambulatory blood pressure values in elderly patients with heart failure. Results of the DICUMAP study.

    Revista clinica espanola . : .


  • Comin-Colet J, Calero-Molina E, Corbella X, Muñiz J, San Saturnino M, Ibarrola C, Comité Asesor Proyecto MAIC (Apéndice), APÉNDICE Todos los miembros del Comité Asesor del Proyecto MAIC cuya relación en.

    Recomendaciones para desarrollar Modelos Asistenciales de atención al paciente con Insuficiencia Cardiaca (Proyecto MAIC): Estudio Delphi.

    Journal Of Healthcare Quality Research . : .


  • Marcos MC, De La Espriella R, Ordás JG, Llàcer P, Pomares A, Fort A, De Antonio IP, Méndez A, Bermejo ZB, Pérez PC, Gracia JR, Mayoral AR, Zegrí I, García Pinilla JM, Hernández EM, Castro A, Soler MJ, Górriz JL, Claret RB, Brugués PF, Manzano L, Núñez J.

    Prevalence and clinical profile of kidney disease in patients with chronic heart failure. Insights from the Spanish cardiorenal registry.

    Revista espanola de cardiologia (English ed.) . : .


  • Mostaza JM, García-Ortiz L, Suárez Tembra MA, Talavera Calle P, Chimeno García J, Escolar Pérez V, Díaz-Díaz JL, Manzano-Espinosa L, Catapano AL, Ray KK, Díaz Moya G, Pedro-Botet Montoya J.

    Failure of LDL-C goals achievement and underuse of lipid-lowering therapies in patients at high and very high cardiovascular risk: Spanish subset from the European SANTORINI study.

    Revista clinica espanola . : .
