Metabolic-endocrine digestive surgery and nutrition

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  • Biagetti B, Araujo-Castro M, Torre EM, Novoa-Testa I, Cordido F, Corrales EP, Berrocal VR, Guerrero-Pérez F, Vicente A, Percovich JC, Centeno RG, González L, García MDO, Echarri AI, Rodríguez MDM, Novo-Rodríguez C, Calatayud M, Villar-Taibo R, Bernabéu I, Alvarez-Escola C, Valderrama PB, Tenorio-Jiménez C, Galiana PA, Moreno EV, Molero IG, Iglesias P, Blanco C, De Lara FV, de Miguel P, Mezquita EL, Hanzu F, Aldecoa I, Aznar S, Lamas C, Aulinas A, Asla Roca Q, Gracia P, Córdova JMR, Aviles M, Asensio-Wandosel D, Sampedro M, Cámara R, Paja M, Ruz-Caracuel I, Fajardo-Montañana C, Asanza EC, Martinez-Saez E, Marazuela M, Puig-Domingo M.

    Effectiveness of combined first-line medical treatment in acromegaly with prolactin cosecretion.



  • Garcia-Feijoo P, Perez Lopez C, Paredes I, Acitores Cancela A, Alvarez-Escola C, Calatayud M, Lagares A, Librizzi MS, Rodriguez Berrocal V, Araujo-Castro M.

    Exploring risk factors of severe pituitary apoplexy: Insights from a multicenter study of 71 cases.

    Endocrine . 86(1): 333-341.


  • Pascual-Corrales E, Biagetti B, Marazuela M, Asensio-Wandosel D, Rodríguez Berrocal V, Irigaray Echarri A, Novo-Rodríguez C, Calatayud M, Bernabéu I, Alvarez-Escola C, Tenorio-Jiménez C, González Molero I, Iglesias P, Blanco C, de Miguel P, López Mezquita E, Lamas C, Aulinas A, Gracia P, Recio-Córdova JM, Sampedro-Nuñez M, Paja M, Moure Rodríguez MD, Fajardo-Montañana C, Cordido F, Menéndez Torre E, Percovich JC, García-Centeno R, Cámara R, Hanzu FA, Vicente Delgado A, González Fernández L, Guerrero-Pérez F, Ollero García-Agulló MD, Novoa-Testa I, Villar-Taibo R, Benítez Valderrama P, Abellán Galiana P, Venegas Moreno E, Vidal-Ostos De Lara F, Enseñat J, Aznar S, Asla Q, Aviles-Pérez MD, Puig-Domingo M, Araujo-Castro M.

    Glucose metabolism outcomes after pituitary surgery in patients with acromegaly.

    Pituitary . 27(5): 497-506.


  • Campillejo A, Gefaell-Larrondo I, Ramos-García V, Koatz D, Santos-Álvarez A, Barrio-Cortes J, Gómez-Rueda S, Calderón-Larrañaga A, Cifuentes P, Company-Sancho C, Domínguez-Coello S, García-García FJ, Garrido-Elustondo S, González de León B, Ramón-Vazquez J, Martín C, Suárez-Fernández C, Parra-Caballero P, Vicente-Rabaneda EF, Quiroga-Colina P, Ramírez-Puerta AB, Ruíz-López M, Tello-Bernabé ME, Sanchez-Gamborino E, Ugalde-Abiega B, Vall-Roqué H, Duarte-Díaz A, Abt-Sacks A, Hernández-Yumar A, Torres-Castaño A, Álvarez-Pérez Y, Muth C, van den Akker M, Montori VM, Orrego C, Perestelo-Pérez L, González-González AI.

    Implementation of a virtual community of practice to promote the empowerment of middle-aged people with multimorbidity: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial.

    BMJ open . 14(5): .


  • Pascual-Corrales E, Acitores Cancela A, Baonza G, Madrid Egusquiza I, Rodríguez Berrocal V, Araujo-Castro M.

    Clinical presentation and surgical outcomes of very large and giant pituitary adenomas: 80 cases in a cohort study of 306 patients with pituitary adenomas.

    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA . 166(1): 225-225.


  • Cristina-Marianini-Rios, Sanchez MEC, de Paredes AGG, Rodríguez M, Barreto E, López JV, Fuentes R, Beltrán MM, Sanjuanbenito A, Lobo E, Caminoa A, Ruz-Caracuel I, Durán SL, Olcina JRF, Blázquez J, Sequeros EV, Carrato A, Ávila JCM, Earl J.

    The best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method as a tool to estimate the lifetime risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in high-risk individuals with no known pathogenic germline variants.

    FAMILIAL CANCER . 23(3): 233-246. Number of citations: 1


  • Earl J, Fuentes R, Sanchez MEC, de Paredes AGG, Muñoz M, Sanjuanbenito A, Lobo E, Caminoa A, Rodríguez M, Barreto E, López JV, Ruz-Caracuel I, Durán SL, Olcina JRF, Sánchez BL, Páez SC, Torres A, Blázquez J, Sequeros EV, Carrato A.

    The Spanish Familial Pancreatic Cancer Registry (PANGENFAM): a decade follow-up of individuals at high-risk for pancreatic cancer.

    FAMILIAL CANCER . 23(3): 383-392. Number of citations: 1


  • Martínez-Hernández R, Serrano-Somavilla A, Fernández-Contreras R, Sanchez-Guerrero C, Sánchez de la Blanca N, Sacristán-Gómez P, Sebastian-Valles F, Sampedro-Núñez M, Fraga J, Calatayud M, Vicente A, García-de-Casasola G, Sanz-García A, Araujo-Castro M, Ruz-Caracuel I, Puig-Domingo M, Marazuela M.

    Primary Cilia as a Tumor Marker in Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors.

    MODERN PATHOLOGY . 37(5): 100475-100475.


  • López-Gil JC, García-Silva S, Ruiz-Cañas L, Navarro D, Palencia-Campos A, Giráldez-Trujillo A, Earl J, Dorado J, Gómez-López G, Monfort-Vengut A, Alcalá S, Gaida MM, García-Mulero S, Cabezas-Sáinz P, Batres-Ramos S, Barreto E, Sánchez-Tomero P, Vallespinós M, Ambler L, Lin ML, Aicher A, García García de Paredes A, de la Pinta C, Sanjuanbenito A, Ruz-Caracuel I, Rodríguez-Garrote M, Guerra C, Carrato A, de Cárcer G, Sánchez L, Nombela-Arrieta C, Espinet E, Sanchez-Arevalo Lobo VJ, Heeschen C, Sainz B Jr.

    The Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein 1 confers immune evasive properties on pancreatic cancer stem cells.

    Gut . 73(9): 1489-1508.


  • Mínguez Ojeda C, Gómez Dos Santos V, Álvaro Lorca J, Ruz-Caracuel I, Pian H, Sanjuanbenito Dehesa A, Gutiérrez Gutiérrez E, Sanz Miguelañez JL, Pozo Mengual B, Burgos Revilla FJ, Araujo-Castro M.

    Surgery for adrenal metastasis: Surgical outcomes and prognostic factors for long-term survival.

    ANNALES D ENDOCRINOLOGIE . 85(2): 104-109.


  • Araujo-Castro M, García Cano AM, Herrera-Martínez AD.

    Impact of commonly used drugs on 24-hour urine metanephrine excretion.



  • Marazuela M, Martínez-Hernandez R, Marques-Pamies M, Biagetti B, Araujo-Castro M, Puig-Domingo M.

    Predictors of biochemical response to somatostatin receptor ligands in acromegaly.



  • Araujo-Castro M, Parra P, Martín Rojas-Marcos P, Paja Fano M, González Boillos M, Pascual-Corrales E, García Cano AM, Ruiz-Sanchez JG, Vicente Delgado A, Gómez Hoyos E, Ferreira R, García Sanz I, Recasens Sala M, Barahona San Millan R, Picón César MJ, Díaz Guardiola P, Perdomo CM, Manjón-Miguélez L, García Centeno R, Rebollo Román Á, Gracia Gimeno P, Robles Lázaro C, Morales-Ruiz M, Calatayud M, Furio Collao SA, Meneses D, Sampedro Nuñez M, Escudero Quesada V, Mena Ribas E, Sanmartín Sánchez A, Gonzalvo Diaz C, Lamas C, Del Castillo Tous M, Serrano Gotarredona J, Michalopoulou Alevras T, Moya Mateo EM, Hanzu FA.

    Differences in the clinical and hormonal presentation of patients with familial and sporadic primary aldosteronism.

    Frontiers in Endocrinology . 15: 1336306-1336306.


  • Araujo-Castro M, Ruiz-Sánchez JG, Parra Ramírez P, Martín Rojas-Marcos P, Aguilera-Saborido A, Gómez Cerezo JF, López Lazareno N, Torregrosa Quesada ME, Gorrin Ramos J, Oriola J, Poch E, Oliveras A, Méndez Monter JV, Gómez Muriel I, Bella-Cueto MR, Mercader Cidoncha E, Runkle I, Hanzu FA.

    Screening and diagnosis of primary aldosteronism. Consensus document of all the Spanish Societies involved in the management of primary aldosteronism.

    Endocrine . 85(1): 99-121.


  • Araujo-Castro M, Ruiz-Sánchez JG, Ramírez PP, Martín Rojas-Marcos P, Aguilera-Saborido A, Gómez Cerezo JF, López Lazareno N, Torregrosa ME, Gorrín Ramos J, Oriola J, Poch E, Oliveras A, Méndez Monter JV, Gómez Muriel I, Bella-Cueto MR, Mercader Cidoncha E, Runkle I, Hanzu FA.

    Practical consensus for the treatment and follow-up of primary aldosteronism: a multidisciplinary consensus document.

    Endocrine . 85(2): 532-544.


  • Araujo-Castro M, Biagetti B, Menéndez Torre E, Novoa-Testa I, Cordido F, Pascual Corrales E, Rodríguez Berrocal V, Guerrero-Pérez F, Vicente A, Percovich JC, García Centeno R, González L, Ollero García MD, Irigaray Echarri A, Moure Rodríguez MD, Novo-Rodríguez C, Calatayud M, Villar R, Bernabéu I, Alvarez-Escola C, Benítez Valderrama P, Tenorio-Jimenéz C, Abellán Galiana P, Venegas Moreno E, González Molero I, Iglesias P, Blanco C, Vidal-Ostos De Lara F, de Miguel P, López Mezquita E, Hanzu F, Aldecoa I, Lamas C, Aznar S, Aulinas A, Calabrese A, Gracia P, Recio-Córdova JM, Aviles M, Asensio-Wandosel D, Sampedro M, Ruz-Caracuel I, Camara R, Paja M, Fajardo-Montañana C, Marazuela M, Puig-Domingo M.

    Differences between GH and PRL co-secreting and GH-secreting pituitary adenomas. A series of 604 cases.

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM . 109(12): . Number of citations: 3


  • González S, Najarro M, Briceño W, Rodríguez C, Barrios D, Morillo R, Olavarría A, Lietor A, Gómez Del Olmo V, Osorio Á, Sánchez-Recalde Á, Muriel A, Jiménez D.

    Impact of a pulmonary embolism response team (PERT) in the prognosis of patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism.

    Revista clinica espanola . 224(3): 141-149.


  • Barquín Yagüez J, Juez LD, Hernández PI, Ballestero A, Martín O, del Campo R, Vaello V, García-Pérez JC.

    Intestinal Helminths Infections as Infrequent Cause of Emergency Abdominal Surgery: A Retrospective Study in a University Hospital over 20 Years.

    ACTA PARASITOLOGICA . 69(1): 1046-1052.
