Respiratory Diseases
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Gorospe L, Arrieta P, Santos-Carreño AL, Martínez San Millán J, Barrios-Barreto D.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis in a lung cancer patient: A cause of contralateral vocal cord hypermetabolism on PET/CT.
MEDICINA CLINICA . 149(12): 563-563.
Mañas E, Barbero E, Chiluiza D, García A, Morillo R, Barrios D, Martínez-García MÁ, Albalat A, Cano I, Jiménez D, POPE Investigators.
Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism: Rationale and methodology for the POPE study.
CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY . 40(12): 1182-1188. Number of citations: 8
Klok FA, Ageno W, Barco S, Binder H, Brenner B, Duerschmied D, Empen K, Faggiano P, Ficker JH, Galiè N, Ghuysen A, Held M, Heydenreich N, Huisman MV, Jiménez D, Kozak M, Lang IM, Lankeit M, Münzel T, Petris A, Pruszczyk P, Quitzau K, Schellong S, Schmidt KH, Stefanovic BS, Verschuren F, Wolf-Puetz A, Meyer G, Konstantinides SV, PEITHO-2 Investigators.
Dabigatran after Short Heparin Anticoagulation for Acute Intermediate-Risk Pulmonary Embolism: Rationale and Design of the Single-Arm PEITHO-2 Study.
THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS . 117(12): 2425-2434. Number of citations: 7
Côté B, Jiménez D, Planquette B, Roche A, Marey J, Pastré J, Meyer G, Sanchez O.
Prognostic value of right ventricular dilatation in patients with low-risk pulmonary embolism.
EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL . 50(6): . Number of citations: 28
Barrios D, Morillo R, Guerassimova I, Barbero E, Escobar-Morreale H, Cohen AT, Becattini C, Tapson V, Yusen R, Jimenez D.
Sex differences in the characteristics and short-term prognosis of patients presenting with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism.
Plos One . 12(11): . Number of citations: 24
Nava-Mateos JJ, Roiz-Rey P, Diaz Alvarez-Mediavilla J, Cebrian-Novella D, Gomez-Del Olmo V, Ceberio-Hualde L.
Tratamiento de la encefalopatia por acido valproico con acido carbaglumico: descripcion de dos casos y revision de la bibliografia.
REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 65(9): 409-414. Number of citations: 2
Girón RM, de Gracia Roldán J, Olveira C, Vendrell M, Martínez-García MÁ, de la Rosa D, Máiz L, Ancochea J, Vázquez L, Borderías L, Polverino E, Martínez-Moragón E, Rajas O, Soriano JB.
Sex bias in diagnostic delay in bronchiectasis: An analysis of the Spanish Historical Registry of Bronchiectasis.
CHRON RESP DIS . 14(4): 360-369. Number of citations: 12
de Dios Caballero J, Vida R, Cobo M, Máiz L, Suárez L, Galeano J, Baquero F, Cantón R, Del Campo R.
Individual Patterns of Complexity in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Microbiota, Including Predator Bacteria, over a 1-Year Period.
Mbio . 8(5): . Number of citations: 26
López-Causapé C, de Dios-Caballero J, Cobo M, Escribano A, Asensio Ó, Oliver A, Del Campo R, Cantón R, MAIZ CARRO, LUIS MARIA.
Antibiotic resistance and population structure of cystic fibrosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from a Spanish multi-centre study.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS . 50(3): 334-341. Number of citations: 11
Abellás M, Menéndez A, Morillo R, Jara-Palomares L, Barrios D, Nieto R, Barbero E, Corres J, Ruiz-Artacho P, Jiménez D.
Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Pulmonary Embolism Caused by Economy Class Syndrome.
ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA . 53(9): 495-500. Number of citations: 2
Vanni S, Nazerian P, Bova C, Bondi E, Morello F, Pepe G, Paladini B, Liedl G, Cangioli E, Grifoni S, Jiménez D.
Comparison of clinical scores for identification of patients with pulmonary embolism at intermediate-high risk of adverse clinical outcome: the prognostic role of plasma lactate.
INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE . 12(5): 657-665. Number of citations: 26
Barrios D, Chavant J, Jiménez D, Bertoletti L, Rosa-Salazar V, Muriel A, Viallon A, Fernández-Capitán C, Yusen RD, Monreal M, Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica Investigators.
Corrigendum to 'Treatment of Right Heart Thrombi Associated with Acute Pulmonary Embolism' American Journal of Medicine 130(2017): 588-595.
Morillo R, Moores L, Jiménez D.
Prognostic Scores for Acute Pulmonary Embolism.
SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS . 43(5): 486-492. Number of citations: 4
Olveira C, Padilla A, Martínez-García MÁ, de la Rosa D, Girón RM, Vendrell M, Máiz L, Borderías L, Polverino E, Martínez-Moragón E, Rajas O, Casas F, Cordovilla R, de Gracia J.
Etiology of Bronchiectasis in a Cohort of 2047 Patients. An Analysis of the Spanish Historical Bronchiectasis Registry.
ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA . 53(7): 366-374. Number of citations: 52
Gorospe Sarasúa L, Barrios-Barreto D, García Gómez-Muriel I, Chinea-Rodríguez A.
Bronchiolitis obliterans following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Importance of expiratory computed tomography.
De la Rosa D, Martínez-Garcia MA, Giron RM, Vendrell M, Olveira C, Borderias L, Maiz L, Torres A, Martinez-Moragon E, Rajas O, Casas F, Cordovilla R, de Gracia J.
Clinical impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. A study on 1,790 patients from the Spanish Bronchiectasis Historical Registry.
Plos One . 12(5): . Number of citations: 13
Barrios D, Chavant J, Jiménez D, Bertoletti L, Rosa-Salazar V, Muriel A, Viallon A, Fernández-Capitán C, Yusen RD, Monreal M, RIETE investigators.
Treatment of Right Heart Thrombi Associated with Acute Pulmonary Embolism.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE . 130(5): 588-595. Number of citations: 28
Athanazio R, Pereira MC, Gramblicka G, Cavalcanti-Lundgren F, de Figueiredo MF, Arancibia F, Rached S, de la Rosa D, Máiz-Carro L, Girón R, Olveira C, Prados C, Martinez-Garcia MA.
Latin America validation of FACED score in patients with bronchiectasis: an analysis of six cohorts.
BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE . 17(1): 73-73. Number of citations: 22