Liver and Digestive Diseases Group

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  • Sharif K, de Santiago ER, David P, Afek A, Gralnek IM, Ben-Horin S, Lahat A.

    Ecogastroenterology: cultivating sustainable clinical excellence in an environmentally conscious landscape.



  • Paternostro R, Kwanten WJ, Hofer BS, Semmler G, Bagdadi A, Luzko I, Hernández-Gea V, Graupera I, García-Pagán JC, Saltini D, Indulti F, Schepis F, Moga L, Rautou PE, Llop E, Téllez L, Albillos A, Fortea JI, Puente A, Tosetti G, Primignani M, Zipprich A, Vuille-Lessard E, Berzigotti A, Taru MG, Taru V, Procopet B, Jansen C, Praktiknjo M, Gu W, Trebicka J, Ibanez-Samaniego L, Bañares R, Rivera-Esteban J, Pericas JM, Genesca J, Alvarado E, Villanueva C, Larrue H, Bureau C, Laleman W, Ardevol A, Masnou H, Vanwolleghem T, Trauner M, Mandorfer M, Francque S, Reiberger T.

    Hepatic venous pressure gradient predicts risk of hepatic decompensation and liver-related mortality in patients with MASLD.



  • Gargallo-Puyuelo CJ, Ricart E, Iglesias E, de Francisco R, Gisbert JP, Taxonera C, Mañosa M, Aguas Peris M, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Sanahuja A, Guardiola J, Mesonero F, Rivero Tirado M, Barrio J, Vera Mendoza I, de Castro Parga L, García-Planella E, Calvet X, Martín Arranz MD, García S, Sicilia B, Carpio D, Domenech E, Gomollón F.

    Sex-Related Differences in the Phenotype and Course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: SEXEII Study of ENEIDA.

    Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association . : .


  • Morais R, Amorim J, Medas R, Sousa-Pinto B, Santos-Antunes J, Legros R, Albouys J, Moll F, Marques M, Vilas-Boas F, Rodrigues-Pinto E, Gullo I, Carneiro F, Soares EG, Amaro P, Mesquita P, Rodrigues J, Andrisani G, Sferrazza S, Archer S, Kuttner-Magalhães R, Manzano F, de Santiago ER, Rimondi A, Murino A, Despott E, Pioche M, Jacques J, Macedo G.

    Underwater Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Vs Conventional Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Superficial Nonampullary Duodenal Epithelial Tumors in the Western Setting.

    Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association . : .


  • Téllez L, Donate J, Albillos A.

    Portosinusoidal vascular disorder: A paradigm shift.

    MEDICINA CLINICA . 162(9): 439-447.


  • Gómez-Labrador C, Ricart E, Iborra M, Iglesias E, Martín-Arranz MD, de Castro L, De Francisco R, García-Alonso FJ, Sanahuja A, Gargallo-Puyuelo CJ, Mesonero F, Casanova MJ, Mañosa M, Rivero M, Calvo M, Sierra-Ausin M, González-Muñoza C, Calvet X, García-López S, Guardiola J, Arias García L, Márquez-Mosquera L, Gutiérrez A, Zabana Y, Navarro-Llavat M, Lorente Poyatos R, Piqueras M, Torrealba L, Bermejo F, Ponferrada-Díaz Á, Pérez-Calle JL, Acosta MB, Tejido C, Cabriada JL, Marín-Jiménez I, Roncero Ó, Ber Y, Fernández-Salazar L, Camps Aler B, Lucendo AJ, Llaó J, Bujanda L, Muñoz Villafranca C, Domènech E, Chaparro M, Gisbert JP.

    Trends in Targeted Therapy Usage in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: TRENDY Study of ENEIDA.

    Pharmaceutics . 16(5): .


  • Alvarado-Tapias E, Maya-Miles D, Albillos A, Aller R, Ampuero J, Andrade RJ, Arechederra M, Aspichueta P, Banales JM, Blas-García A, Caparros E, Cardoso Delgado T, Carrillo-Vico A, Claria J, Cubero FJ, Díaz-Ruiz A, Fernández-Barrena MG, Fernández-Iglesias A, Fernández-Veledo S, Francés R, Gallego-Durán R, Gracia-Sancho J, Irimia M, Lens S, Martínez-Chantar ML, Mínguez B, Muñoz-Hernández R, Nogueiras R, Ramos-Molina B, Riveiro-Barciela M, Rodríguez-Perálvarez ML, Romero-Gómez M, Sabio G, Sancho-Bru P, Ventura-Cots M, Vidal S, Gahete MD.

    Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of Translational Hepatology, organized by the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH).



  • Puente A, Fortea JI, Del Pozo C, Serrano M, Alonso-Peña M, Giráldez A, Tellez L, Martinez J, Magaz M, Ibañez L, Garcia J, Llop E, Alvarez-Navascues C, Romero M, Rodriguez E, Arias Loste MT, Antón A, Echavarria V, López C, Albillos A, Hernández-Gea V, Garcia-Pagán JC, Bañares R, Crespo J.

    Clinical and genetic factors involved in Porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder after oxaliplatin exposure.

    Digestive and liver disease : official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver . : .


  • Rodríguez-Lago I, Gros B, Sánchez K, Arumí D, Fortes MDP, Cábez A, Mesonero Gismero F.

    Use of digital health tools in inflammatory bowel disease.



  • Salamanca-Rivera E, Palacios-Baena ZR, Cañada JE, Moure Z, Pérez-Vázquez M, Calvo-Montes J, Martínez-Martínez L, Cantón R, Ruiz Carrascoso G, Pitart C, Navarro F, Bou G, Mulet X, González-López JJ, Sivianes F, Delgado-Valverde M, Pascual Á, Oteo-Iglesias J, Rodríguez-Baño J.

    Epidemiological and clinical characterization of community, healthcare-associated and nosocomial colonization and infection due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in Spain.

    Infection . : .


  • Soriani, Paola, Biancheri, Paolo, Bonura, Giuliano Francesco, Gabbani, Tommaso, de Santiago, Enrique Rodriguez, Dioscoridi, Lorenzo, Andrisani, Gianluca, Luigiano, Carmelo, Deiana, Simona, Rainer, Joachim, Del Buono, Mariagrazia, Amendolara, Rocco, Marino, Massimiliano, Hassan, Cesare, Repici, Alessandro, Manno, Mauro.

    Over-the-scope clip as first-line treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding: a multicenter randomized controlled trial (TOP Study)

    Endoscopy . : . Number of citations: 2


  • Cristina-Marianini-Rios, Sanchez MEC, de Paredes AGG, Rodríguez M, Barreto E, López JV, Fuentes R, Beltrán MM, Sanjuanbenito A, Lobo E, Caminoa A, Ruz-Caracuel I, Durán SL, Olcina JRF, Blázquez J, Sequeros EV, Carrato A, Ávila JCM, Earl J.

    The best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) method as a tool to estimate the lifetime risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in high-risk individuals with no known pathogenic germline variants.

    FAMILIAL CANCER . : . Number of citations: 1


  • Earl J, Fuentes R, Sanchez MEC, de Paredes AGG, Muñoz M, Sanjuanbenito A, Lobo E, Caminoa A, Rodríguez M, Barreto E, López JV, Ruz-Caracuel I, Durán SL, Olcina JRF, Sánchez BL, Páez SC, Torres A, Blázquez J, Sequeros EV, Carrato A.

    The Spanish Familial Pancreatic Cancer Registry (PANGENFAM): a decade follow-up of individuals at high-risk for pancreatic cancer.

    FAMILIAL CANCER . : . Number of citations: 1


  • López-Gil JC, García-Silva S, Ruiz-Cañas L, Navarro D, Palencia-Campos A, Giráldez-Trujillo A, Earl J, Dorado J, Gómez-López G, Monfort-Vengut A, Alcalá S, Gaida MM, García-Mulero S, Cabezas-Sáinz P, Batres-Ramos S, Barreto E, Sánchez-Tomero P, Vallespinós M, Ambler L, Lin ML, Aicher A, García García de Paredes A, de la Pinta C, Sanjuanbenito A, Ruz-Caracuel I, Rodríguez-Garrote M, Guerra C, Carrato A, de Cárcer G, Sánchez L, Nombela-Arrieta C, Espinet E, Sanchez-Arevalo Lobo VJ, Heeschen C, Sainz B Jr.

    The Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein 1 confers immune evasive properties on pancreatic cancer stem cells.

    Gut . : .


  • Cunha Neves JA, Rodriguez de Santiago E, Pohl H, Lorenzo-Zúñiga V, Cunha MF, Voiosu AM, Römmele C, Penman DG, Albéniz E, Siau K, Donnelly L, Elli L, Pioche M, Beilenhoff U, Arvanitakis M, Weusten BLAM, Bisschops R, Hassan C, Messmann H, Gralnek IM, Dinis-Ribeiro M.

    Perspectives and awareness of endoscopy healthcare professionals on sustainable practices in gastrointestinal endoscopy: results of the LEAFGREEN survey.

    Endoscopy . 56(5): 355-363.


  • Ortega MA, Fraile-Martinez O, de Leon-Oliva D, Boaru DL, Lopez-Gonzalez L, García-Montero C, Alvarez-Mon MA, Guijarro LG, Torres-Carranza D, Saez MA, Diaz-Pedrero R, Albillos A, Alvarez-Mon M.

    Autophagy in Its (Proper) Context: Molecular Basis, Biological Relevance, Pharmacological Modulation, and Lifestyle Medicine.



  • Gornals JB, Velasquez-Rodriguez JG, Bas-Cutrina F, Garcia Garcia de Paredes A, Esteban JM, Teran A, Gonzalez-Huix F, Perez-Miranda M, Guarner-Argente C, Vila JJ, Garcia-Sumalla A, Foruny JR, Fisac-Vazquez J, Moris M, Miquel-Salas I, De-la-Serna Higuera C, Murzi-Pulgar M, Sanchez-Yague A, Salord S, Ruiz-Osuna S, Busquets J, Sanllorente-Melenchon M, Videla S, Moreno R, Tebe-Cordomi C, Hereu P, Vazquez-Sequeiros E.

    Plastic pigtail vs lumen-apposing metal stents for drainage of walled-off necrosis (PROMETHEUS study): an open-label, multicenter randomized trial.



  • Elkrief L, Denecheau-Girard C, Magaz M, Praktiknjo M, Colucci N, Ollivier-Hourmand I, Dumortier J, Simon Talero M, Tellez L, Artru F, Meszaros M, Verhelst X, Tabchouri N, Beires F, Andaluz I, Leo M, Diekhöner M, Dokmak S, Fundora Y, Vidal-Gonzalez J, Toso C, Plessier A, Carlos Garcia Pagan J, Rautou PE.

    Abdominal surgery in patients with chronic noncirrhotic extra hepatic portal vein obstruction: A multicenter retrospective study.

    HEPATOLOGY . : .
