Molecular Pathology of Cancer Group
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Kotlowska MP, Rueda AG, Olmedo ME, Benito A, Roldán AS, Fernandez Méndez MA, Gorospe L, Palacios J, Garrido López P.
Efficacy of immunotherapy in sarcomatoid lung cancer, a case report and literature review.
Respiratory Medicine Case Reports . 26: 310-314. Number of citations: 20
Gorospe L, García-Villanueva MJ, García-Cosío-Piqueras M, García-Gómez-Muriel I.
Multilocular thymic cyst in a patient with Sjögren syndrome.
RHEUMATOLOGY . 58(2): 369-369. Number of citations: 1
Rosa-Rosa JM, Caniego-Casas T, Leskela S, Cristobal E, González-Martínez S, Moreno-Moreno E, López-Miranda E, Holgado E, Pérez-Mies B, Garrido P, Palacios J.
High Frequency of ERBB2 Activating Mutations in Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma with Pleomorphic Features.
Cancers . 11(1): . Number of citations: 20
Escribano Paredes JB, Carrasco Moro R, López Gutiérrez M, Arias HP, García-Cosío M, García Madrona S, Nedkova Hristova V, Martínez Poles J, Francisco JBC.
Radiologic and Histopathologic Features in an Intracranial Localized Castleman Disease: A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Neurologist . 24(1): 33-36. Number of citations: 1
Sánchez-Aldehuelo R, Figueroa-Tubío A, García de la Filia I, González-Olivares C, García García de Paredes A, García-Cosío M, Vázquez-Sequeiros E, Albillos A.
Nakamura polyp: An unusual endoscopic finding.
GASTROENTEROLOGIA Y HEPATOLOGIA . 42(1): 34-35. Number of citations: 1
Rosa-Rosa JM, Caniego-Casas T, Leskela S, Muñoz G, Del Castillo F, Garrido P, Palacios J.
Modified SureSelect QXT Target Enrichment Protocol for Illumina Multiplexed Sequencing of FFPE Samples.
BIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ONLINE . 20: 19-19. Number of citations: 3
Rambau PF, Vierkant RA, Intermaggio MP, Kelemen LE, Goodman MT, Herpel E, Pharoah PD, Kommoss S, Jimenez-Linan M, Karlan BY, Gentry-Maharaj A, Menon U, Hernando Polo S, Candido Dos Reis FJ, Doherty JA, Gayther SA, Sharma R, Larson MC, Harnett PR, Hatfield E, de Andrade JM, Nelson GS, Steed H, Schildkraut JM, Carney ME, Høgdall E, Whittemore AS, Widschwendter M, Kennedy CJ, Wang F, Wang Q, Wang C, Armasu SM, Daley F, Coulson P, Jones ME, Anglesio MS, Chow C, deFazio A, García-Closas M, Brucker SY, Cybulski C, Harris HR, Hartkopf AD, Huzarski T, Jensen A, Lubinski J, Oszurek O, Benitez J, Fady M, Staebler A, Taran FA, Pasternak J, Talhouk A, Rossing MA, Hendley J, AOCS Group, Edwards RP, Fereday S, Modugno F, Ness RB, Sieh W, El-Bahrawy MA, Winham SJ, Lester J, Kjaer SK, Gronwald J, Sinn P, Fasching PA, Chang-Claude J, Moysich KB, Bowtell DD, Hernandez BY, Luk H, Behrens S, Shah M, Jung A, Ghatage P, Alsop J, Alsop K, García-Donas J, Thompson PJ, Swerdlow AJ, Karpinskyj C, Cazorla-Jiménez A, García MJ, Deen S, Wilkens LR, Palacios J, Berchuck A, Koziak JM, Brenton JD, Cook LS, Goode EL, Huntsman DG, Ramus SJ, Köbel M.
Association of p16 expression with prognosis varies across ovarian carcinoma histotypes: an Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium study.
JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY CLINICAL RESEARCH . 4(4): 250-261. Number of citations: 37
Pinilla-Pagnon I, Pérez-Mies B, Reguero ME, Martinez MT, Chiva M, Pérez-Rodrigo S, Illarramendi OA, Martin MER, Collado MV, Sanchez MC, Rosa-Rosa JM, Palacios J.
Histological changes secondary to wire coil placement in breast tissue and lymph nodes.
VIRCHOWS ARCHIV . 473(3): 285-291. Number of citations: 1
Peña-Jaimes L, González-García I, Reguero-Callejas ME, Pinilla-Pagnon I, Pérez-Mies B, Albarrán-Artahona V, Martínez-Jañez N, Rosa-Rosa JM, Palacios J.
Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of the breast with osteoclast-like giant cells: a case report and review of the literature.
DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY . 13(1): 62-62. Number of citations: 5
Colomer R, Aranda-López I, Albanell J, García-Caballero T, Ciruelos E, López-García MÁ, Cortés J, Rojo F, Martín M, Palacios-Calvo J.
Correction to: Biomarkers in breast cancer: A consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology and the Spanish Society of Pathology.
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 20(8): 1093-1095. Number of citations: 2
Garrido P, Aldaz A, Calleja MÁ, de Álava E, Lamas MJ, Martín M, Matías-Guiu X, Palacios J, Vera R.
Propuesta para la creación de una Estrategia Nacional sobre Medicina de Precisión en Cáncer: posicionamiento de la SEOM, SEAP y SEFH.
Revista Espanola De Patologia : Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Anatomia Patologica Y De La Sociedad Espanola De Citologia . 51(3): 154-159.
Gorospe L, Chinea-Rodríguez A, García-Cosío-Piqueras M, Calbacho-Robles M, Almeida-Aróstegui NA.
Hodgkin Lymphoma Presentation With Extensive Chest Wall Muscle Involvement in an Adult.
Colomer R, Aranda-López I, Albanell J, García-Caballero T, Ciruelos E, López-García MÁ, Cortés J, Rojo F, Martín M, Palacios-Calvo J.
Biomarkers in breast cancer: A consensus statement by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology and the Spanish Society of Pathology.
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 20(7): 815-826. Number of citations: 38
Jiménez Zapata HD, Rojas Medina LM, Carrasco Moro R, Martínez Rodrigo A, García-Cosio Piqueras M.
Cauda equina syndrome secondary to neurolymphomatosis: Case report and literature review.
NEUROCIRUGIA . 29(3): 138-142. Number of citations: 1
Palacios Calvo J, Albanell J, Rojo F, Ciruelos E, Aranda-López I, Cortés J, García-Caballero T, Martín M, López-García MÁ, Colomer R.
Consenso de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica y la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica sobre biomarcadores en cáncer de mama.
Revista Espanola De Patologia : Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Anatomia Patologica Y De La Sociedad Espanola De Citologia . 51(2): 97-109.
Oaknin A, Guarch R, Barretina P, Hardisson D, González-Martín A, Matías-Guiu X, Pérez-Fidalgo A, Vieites B, Romero I, Palacios J.
Recomendaciones para la determinación de biomarcadores en cáncer de ovario epitelial. Consenso nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica y de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica.
Revista Espanola De Patologia : Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Anatomia Patologica Y De La Sociedad Espanola De Citologia . 51(2): 84-96.
Pacios Blanco RE, Gorospe Sarasua L, Reguero ME.
Spontaneous Bilateral Pneumothoraces in Erdheim-Chester Disease.
Garrido P, Aldaz A, Vera R, Calleja MA, de Álava E, Martín M, Matías-Guiu X, Palacios J.
Proposal for the creation of a national strategy for precision medicine in cancer: a position statement of SEOM, SEAP, and SEFH.
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 20(4): 443-447. Number of citations: 14