Infectious Diseases

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  • Herrador Z, Fernandez-Martinez A, Benito A, Lopez-Velez R.

    Clinical Cysticercosis epidemiology in Spain based on the hospital discharge database: What's new?

    PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES . 12(4): . Number of citations: 4


  • Vivancos MJ, Moreno S.

    Are toxicities of current nucleosides still a concern?

    The lancet. HIV . 5(4): 156-157.


  • Crespillo-Andújar C, Calbacho Robles M, Norman FF, Pérez-Molina JA.

    Severe immune thrombocytopaenia in a patient taking benznidazole for chronic Chagas disease.

    BMJ case reports . 2018: .


  • Muñoz P, Vena A, Machado M, Gioia F, Martínez-Jiménez MC, Gómez E, Origüen J, Orellana MÁ, López-Medrano F, Fernández-Ruiz M, Merino P, González-Romo F, Frías I, Pérez-Granda MJ, Aguado JM, Fortún J, Bouza E, T2MadRid study group.

    T2Candida MR as a predictor of outcome in patients with suspected invasive candidiasis starting empirical antifungal treatment: a prospective pilot study.

    The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy . 73(suppl_4): 6-12. Number of citations: 35


  • Muñoz P, Vena A, Machado M, Martínez-Jiménez MC, Gioia F, Gómez E, Origüen J, Orellana MÁ, López-Medrano F, Pérez-Granda MJ, Aguado JM, Fortún J, Bouza E, T2MadRid study group.

    T2MR contributes to the very early diagnosis of complicated candidaemia. A prospective study.

    The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy . 73(suppl_4): 13-19. Number of citations: 21


  • González-Baeza A, Dolengevich-Segal H, Pérez-Valero I, Cabello A, Téllez MJ, Sanz J, Pérez-Latorre L, Bernardino JI, Troya J, De La Fuente S, Bisbal O, Santos I, Arponen S, Hontañon V, Casado JL, Ryan P.

    Sexualized Drug Use (Chemsex) Is Associated with High-Risk Sexual Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men: Data from the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study.

    AIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDS . 32(3): 112-118. Number of citations: 53


  • Cobo J, Merino E, Martínez C, Cózar-Llistó A, Shaw E, Marrodán T, Calbo E, Bereciartúa E, Sánchez-Muñoz LA, Salavert M, Pérez-Rodríguez MT, García-Rosado D, Bravo-Ferrer JM, Gálvez-Acebal J, Henríquez-Camacho C, Cuquet J, Pino-Calm B, Torres L, Sánchez-Porto A, Fernández-Félix BM.

    Prediction of recurrent clostridium difficile infection at the bedside: the GEIH-CDI score.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS . 51(3): 393-398. Number of citations: 27


  • Jiménez Z, Sánchez-Conde M, Brañas F.

    La infección por VIH como causa de envejecimiento acelerado y fragilidad.

    Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia . 53(2): 105-110.


  • Pérez-Arellano JL, Górgolas-Hernández-Mora M, Salvador F, Carranza-Rodríguez C, Ramírez-Olivencia G, Martín-Echeverría E, Rodríguez-Guardado A, Norman F, Velasco-Tirado V, Zubero-Sulibarría Z, Rojo-Marcos G, Muñoz-Gutierrez J, Ramos-Rincón JM, Sánchez-Seco-Fariñas MP, Velasco-Arribas M, Belhassen-García M, Lago-Nuñez M, Cañas García-Otero E, López-Vélez R.

    Executive summary of imported infectious diseases after returning from foreign travel: Consensus document of the Spanish Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC).

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 36(3): 187-193. Number of citations: 6


  • Mejía CR, López-Vélez R.

    Tropical arthritogenic alphaviruses.

    REUMATOLOGIA CLINICA . 14(2): 97-105. Number of citations: 13


  • Chaves F, Garnacho-Montero J, Del Pozo JL, Bouza E, Capdevila JA, de Cueto M, Domínguez MÁ, Esteban J, Fernández-Hidalgo N, Fernández Sampedro M, Fortún J, Guembe M, Lorente L, Paño JR, Ramírez P, Salavert M, Sánchez M, Vallés J.

    Executive summary: Diagnosis and Treatment of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection: Clinical Guidelines of the Spanish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (SEIMC) and the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC).

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 36(2): 112-119. Number of citations: 6


  • Pierrotti LC, Carvalho NB, Amorin JP, Pascual J, Kotton CN, López-Vélez R.

    Chagas Disease Recommendations for Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients and Donors.

    Transplantation . 102(2S Suppl 2): . Number of citations: 24


  • Clemente WT, Pierrotti LC, Abdala E, Morris MI, Azevedo LS, López-Vélez R, Cuenca-Estrella M, Torre-Cisneros J, Petersen E, Camargo LFA, Wright AJ, Beeching NJ, Vilela EG, Santoro-Lopes G, Len O, Stucchi RSB, Manuel O, Faria LC, Leblebicioglu H, Huprikar S, Molina I, Mourão PHO, Kotton CN, Aguado JM, working group on Endemic Disease and Travel Medicine in Solid-Organ Transplantat.

    Recommendations for Management of Endemic Diseases and Travel Medicine in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients and Donors: Latin America.

    Transplantation . 102(2): 193-208. Number of citations: 24


  • Kowalska JD, Aebi-Popp K, Loutfy M, Post FA, Perez-Elias MJ, Johnson M, Mulcahy F, Women Against Viruses in Europe (WAVE) Working Group.

    Promoting high standards of care for women living with HIV: position statement from the Women Against Viruses in Europe Working Group.

    HIV MEDICINE . 19(2): 167-173. Number of citations: 9


  • López-Medrano F, Fernández-Ruiz M, Silva JT, Carver PL, van Delden C, Merino E, Pérez-Saez MJ, Montero M, Coussement J, de Abreu Mazzolin M, Cervera C, Santos L, Sabé N, Scemla A, Cordero E, Cruzado-Vega L, Martín-Moreno PL, Len Ó, Rudas E, Ponce de León A, Arriola M, Lauzurica R, David MD, González-Rico C, Henríquez-Palop F, Fortún J, Nucci M, Manuel O, Paño-Pardo JR, Montejo M, Vena A, Sánchez-Sobrino B, Mazuecos A, Pascual J, Horcajada JP, Lecompte T, Moreno A, Carratalà J, Blanes M, Hernández D, Hernández-Méndez EA, Fariñas MC, Perelló-Carrascosa M, Muñoz P, Andrés A, Aguado JM, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI), Group for the Study of Infection in Transplant Recipients (GESITRA) of the Spani, Study Group for Infections in Compromised Hosts (ESGICH) of the European Society, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS).

    Multinational case-control study of risk factors for the development of late invasive pulmonary aspergillosis following kidney transplantation.

    Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases . 24(2): 192-198. Number of citations: 43


  • Lodi S, Günthard HF, Dunn D, Garcia F, Logan R, Jose S, Bucher HC, Scherrer AU, Schneider MP, Egger M, Glass TR, Reiss P, van Sighem A, Boender TS, Phillips AN, Porter K, Hawkins D, Moreno S, Monge S, Paraskevis D, Simeon M, Vourli G, Sabin C, Hernán MA, HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration*.

    Effect of immediate initiation of antiretroviral treatment on the risk of acquired HIV drug resistance.

    AIDS . 32(3): 327-335. Number of citations: 12


  • Alvarez-Del Arco D, Rodríguez S, Pérez-Elías MJ, Blanco JR, Cuellar S, Del Romero J, Santos I, Boix V, Masiá M, Pascual L, Hernando V, CoRIS.

    Role of HIV in the desire of procreation and motherhood in women living with HIV in Spain: a qualitative approach.

    BMC WOMENS HEALTH . 18(1): 24-24. Number of citations: 1


  • Pérez-Molina JA, Molina I.

    Chagas disease

    Lancet (London, England) . 391(10115): 82-94. Number of citations: 544
