European Projects
Projects funded by the European Commission
- IRYCIS as member of European platforms
Innovative Medicines Initiative projects (IMI)
Conect4children (c4c) - Collaborative network for European clinical trials for children (777389)
Dra. Ana Morales Tirado -
i-ABC - Inhaled antibiotics in bronchiectasias and cystic fibrosis (115721)
Dr. Rafael Cantón -
COMBACTE-CARE - Combatting bacterial resistence in EuropeCarbapenem Resistence (115620)
Dr. Rafael Cantón -
COMBACTE-NET - (Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe): ARTHR-IS study: Retrospective study to identify the incidence, risk factors and outcomes of prosthetic joint infection due to Staphylococcus aureus after primary knee or hip joint replacement", con código FIS-MET-2019-01.
Dr. Francisco J. Cobo Reinoso. -
SPRINTT - Sarcopenia and physical frailty in older people: multi-component treatment strategies (115621-3)
Dr. Alfonso J. Cruz-Jentoft -
ENABLE - European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (115583)
Dr. Fernando Baquero -
3TR - Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Allergic Conditions (831434).
Dra. Luisa María Villar -
CARDIATEAM - CARdiomyopathy in type 2 DIAbetes mellitus (821508)
Dr. José Luis Zamorano
Seven Framework Programme projects (FP7)
MON4STRAT - Therapeutic Beta-Lactams Monitoring for Stratified and dose adjusted treatment of hospital-acquired pneumonia: improved efficacy, decreased treatment length, and reduction of emergence of resistance (602906-2)
Dr. Rafael Cantón -
SENATOR - Development and clinical trials of a new Software ENgine for the Assessment & Optimization of drug and nondrug Therapy in Older peRsons (305930)
Dr. Alfonso José Cruz-Jentoft
Horizon 2020 projects
RETENTION - heaRt failurE paTient managEment and iNTerventIOns usiNg continuous patient monitoring outside hospitals and real world data (965343)
Dr. José Luis Zamorano -
RESILIENCE. - Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Lymphoma Patients Receiving Anthracyclines (945118).
Dr. Javier López Jiménez -
VISION - Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers (857381)
Dr. Alfredo Carrato -
CARBALIVE - Clinical evaluation of carbons of controlled porosity as a new therapeutic for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (634579)
Dr. Agustín Albillos -
MyCyFAPP - Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of cystic fi brosis patients in Europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool (643806)
Dra. María Garriga -
ImmunAID - Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders (779295)
Dra. Alina Lucica Boteanu -
FAST-Bact - A novel fast and automated kit for antibiotic susceptibility testing for Gram positive and negative bacteria (730713)
Dr. Rafael Cantón -
Colodetect - Development of a novel bloodbased diagnostic test for colorectal cancer.
Dr. Fernando Liaño García -
BADGER - CalScreener® - an innovative device for bacterial analysis and diagnostics through growth and energy-release in real-time (784514)
Dr. Rafael Cantón Moreno -
NanoTBTech - Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies (801305)
Dr. Daniel Jaque Garcia -
EATRIS-Plus - Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine (871096)
Dra. Laura García Bermejo -
DECISION - Decompensated cirrhosis: identification of new combinatorial therapies based on system approaches (847949)
Dr. Agustín Albillos
Marie Curie grants
REPLAY (MSCA-IF) - Analysing the role of history, chance and selection on the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance (895671).
Dr. Alfonso Santos -
PurinesDX (MSCA-ITN) - Interdisciplinary training network on the purinergic P2X7 receptor to control neuroinflammation and hyperexcitability in brain diseases (766124)
Dr. José Luis López-Sendón
REPLAY (MSCA-IF) - Analysing the role of history, chance and selection on the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance (895671).
BioPac - Biomarkers of tumor recurrence in pancreatic cancer
Dr. Alfredo Carrato -
SCRAtCH - Microbiota-based screening of anal cancer in HIV-infected individuals
Dr. Sergio Serrano Villar -
NExT - Establishing an algorithm for the early diagnosis and follow-up of patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Dr. Alfredo Carrato
BioPac - Biomarkers of tumor recurrence in pancreatic cancer
COST actions
European upconversion network. - The European upconversion network - from the design of photon-upconverting nanomaterials to biomedical applications (CM1403).
Dr. Daniel Jaque -
Nano2Clinic - Cancer Nanomedicine – from the bench to the bedside (CA17140)
Dr. Daniel Jaque -
CliniMARK - Good biomarker practice (CA16113)
Dra. Laura García Bermejo -
TRANSAUTOPHAGY - European Network for Multidisciplinary Research on Autophagy (CA15138)
Dr. José Antonio Rodríguez Navarro -
ENIUS - European network of multidisciplinary research to improve the urinary stents (CA16217)
Dr. Javier Burgos y Dra. Victoria Gómez Dos Santos
Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)
STARCS - Selection and Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance in Complex Systems.
Dra. Teresa Coque -
TRANSMISSION - Escherichia coli ST131: a model for high-risk.
Dr. Fernando Baquero -
NEAR-AMR - Network of European and African Researchers on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Dra. María Teresa Coque -
SOLIDNESS - Surveillance Of mobiLome meDiated aNtibiotic rEsiStance Spread.
Dra. María Teresa Coque
STARCS - Selection and Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance in Complex Systems.
European Research Council (ERC) grants
- PLASREVOLUTION - Understanding the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in real life scenarios (757440)
EUROSTARS projects
HF-PREDICT - A Clinical Wearable System with Predictive Analytics for Heart Failure Managements
Dr. José Luis Zamorano
HF-PREDICT - A Clinical Wearable System with Predictive Analytics for Heart Failure Managements
EIT Health projects
PREDIRA - Prediction medical device for rheumatoid arthritis (19577)
Dra. Mónica Vázquez -
CHRONIC PAIN - Electrical quantitative sensory assessment system for failed back surgery syndrome
Dr. José Luis de la Calle
Clinical trials within European projects
MICROCARE study (within COMBACTE-NET) - A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of DAV132 in preventing Clostridioides difficile infection in patients with newly diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia or high-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome treated with intensive chemotherapy.
Dr. Francisco Javier Cobo -
cASPerCF study (within Conect4children (c4c)) - Prospective validation and clinical evaluation of a new posaconazole dosing regimen for children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis and Aspergillus infection, cASPerCF_2007_OPBG_2019.
Dra. Ana Morales Tirado -
EURECA - Study (within COMBACTE CARE): European prospective cohort study on Enterobacteriaceae showing resistance to carbapenems (NCT02709408)
Dr. Vicente Pintado -
ANTICIPATE - study (within COMBACTE NET): Assessment of the incidence of Clostridium difficile infections in hospitalized patients on antibiotic treatment (UMC-FLU-2016-01).
Dr. Francisco Javier Cobo -
ARTHR-IS - study (within COMBACTE NET): Retrospective study to identify the incidence, risk factors and outcomes of prosthetic joint infection
due to Staphylococcus aureus after primary knee or hip joint replacement", con código FIS-MET-2019-01.
Dr. Francisco Javier Cobo -
REVISIT - study (within COMBACTE CARE): A Phase 3 prospective, randomized, multicenter, open label, central assessor blinded, parallel group, comparative study to determine the efficacy, safety and tolerability of aztreonam avibactam (ATM AVI) ±metronidazole (MTZ) versus meropenem±colistin (MER±COL) for the treatment of serious infections due to Gram negative bacteria, including metallo β lactamase (MBL) - producing multidrug resistant pathogens, for which there are limited or no treatment options.
Dr. Francisco Javier Cobo