Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit & Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit


Mª Ángeles Gálvez Múgica


Dra. Mónica Aguilar (Coord. UEC-FT y responsable  de Farmacovigilancia.

José D. San Andrés (Coord. Enfermería)

Itziar de Pablo (Responsable de Regulatorio y Calidad)

Miriam Saz (Gestora-monitora)

  • 2 monitoras 
  • 2 enfermeras
  • 3 TGS Lab.



Enlace a ECRIN                               Enlace a SCReN

The Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit (UICEC) is part of the Support Platform for Clinical Research SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network) providing scientific-technical support for the development of independent clinical research. Participation in SCReN allows the unit to join the ECRIN Platform (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network), expanding its activity to a European level.

The Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit (UICEC) is part of the Support Platform for Clinical Research SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network) providing scientific-technical support for the development of independent clinical research. Participation in SCReN allows the unit to join the ECRIN Platform (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network), expanding its activity to a European level. Another important pillar of our activity is the Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit (UEC-FT) where phase I-II clinical trials are carried out. Its objective is to guarantee the safety, confidentiality and well-being of the people participating in these trials and the scientific-technical quality of the activities carried out, following current international standards. These trials make it possible for patients to access truly novel pharmacological therapies, generate new scientific knowledge and place professionals at the forefront of research.

  • Equipment
    • Early phase clinical trials unit.

      Treatment and monitoring room: administration of medications and monitoring of participants in the clinical trial (7 chairs and 1 bed)
      Medical consultation with necessary equipment for a complete examination.
      Administrative and archiving area for confidential documentation.
      Laboratory for processing and archiving of biological samples with refrigerated centrifuge, -20º and -80º freezers
      Measures to guarantee the safety of patients and the proper development of the study.

    • Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit.

      Office on 7 Right with 5 jobs
      Office on the -2 Right. With 2 workstations.

  • Noteworthy
    • Phase I Clinical Trials Unit certified by the Regional Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid
    • Belongs to ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network)
  • Service portfolio and prices

    **Consult prices with the unit

    Early Phase EC Unit (UEC-FT)

    Document management. Management and quality control
    Organization of the trial: Participation in pre-start, beginning and closing visits of the studies. Preparation of activity documents. Appointment of patients. Organization of medical and nursing staff to provide 24-hour coverage, 365 days a year
    Nursing procedures (administration of treatments, blood draws, clinical tests, etc.)
    Laboratory procedures (handling and shipping of samples, management and custody of laboratory kits, etc.).

    Advice on design and methodology of clinical trials and Observational Studies with Medications (EOMs)

    Consultation and preparation of report
    Preparation of clinical trial documentation and observational studies (protocol, consents, Investigator Manual, IMPD)
    Selection of centers

    Study management and monitoring tasks

    Presentation to regulatory authorities (AEMPS and CEIm), management of clarifications, etc.
    Preparation of the file of the promoter, the researcher and the Pharmacy
    Preparation of the monitoring plan and training of monitors
    Global management
    Initial, monitoring and closing visits (research team and Pharmacy. Preparation of reports
    Preparation of documentation for amendments to the protocol
    Annual reports
    Support in query resolution and database closure
    Center closure communication
    Preparation of final report
    Medication, samples and complementary clinical trial tests

    Medication stock control
    Control and management of biological samples
    Control and management of complementary tests
    Distribution of medication to centers
    Pharmacovigilance of clinical trials and observational studies

    Advice on pharmacovigilance and implementation plan for related activities
    Update of available documentation on baseline safety information of medications during the development of the study
    Periodic reconciliation of serious adverse events (SAEs) under pharmacovigilance procedure.
    Drafting of the annual security report (also drafting in DSUR format)
    Management of SAEs, Serious Adverse Reactions (SARs) and/or SUSARs
    Processing/sending security reports and the final report to the competent authorities