Innovation Unit
- Unit certified by AENOR for the UNE 166002:2021 'R&D Management System' since 2017.
- + 100 active projects and 28 active patent families in 2023.
- 48% success rate in competitive innovation calls
- Mentoring of 5 initiatives within the MISSION IRYCIS 2030 programme.
- Support for the programme: UPM INGENIA Hospital of the Future.
- Funded node within the Platform for the Dynamisation and Innovation of Industrial Capacities for the NHS (PT23 of ITEMAS).
- 25 new innovative ideas in 2023 and supporting 3 ideas from associated innovation units.
- 45 projects transferred or implemented in the hospital.
- The EPIMOLBIO website was registered and implemented, and both the HAZLO software and the EMCare algorithm were registered.
- 2 co-development and licensing agreements were signed, one in ophthalmology and the other in radiotherapy.
- 1 project participated in the HealthStart entrepreneurship programme.
- The iDoctus 'Team' application was updated.
- Members of the ITEMAS Innovation Committee in WP23